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Thanks for the great feedback!  Good catch on the timer.  I recently upgraded from GM 1.8 to GMS 2, and the default room speed used to be 30 fps.  I was using a global variable for this and deducting 1/30 every step in a controller object.  I didn't realize this has been removed from the room settings and put into preferences, where it has been increased to 60 fps.  

Your comments about the control and hitting objects being too punishing concurs with what some other gamers have said.  Thanks for repeating it as the more we hear it the more we know we have to address it.

As far as the art, we actually had a very similar conversation about having a cohesive look and removed a few images that looked a little too realistic next to some of the other cartoony obstacles.  I guess we both liked the spinning bearing, but your point is well taken.

Thanks again and good luck with the jam!