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I like the mechanic of the directional socket a lot, it has some great gameplay potential!
I also appreciate the story and conversations, it's a short, sweet and charming adventure.
But here are some things that can be improved:
-Maybe instead of arrow keys, the WASD control can be used. Because I realize Sprocky changes to the + shape whenever jumping or falling, so probably let the player move the socket direction via WASD when airborne, making it more simple to use. While when grounded, user can press S, to interact with objects.
-Also, the "E" button can be used for interact as well, as it seems the more general control for that. It's also easier to press when skipping dialogue.
-The difficulty curve got a bit high at the start, so maybe ease that a bit.
-and lastly, the main dialogue text content can be a brighter color or white, for more readability.
I hope this helps!

So yeah, experience was solid, no bugs whatsoever, great work overall!

Thank you soooooo much for taking the time to write such valuable and thorough feedback! So kind of you.  I really appreciate it. The game will be updated after the jam so please stay tuned! Thanks so much.