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I managed 13/50 XD

I love the concept of directing a herd of cats with a laser pointer, kind of reminds me of pikmin. Your level/puzzle design is pretty interesting and engaging, too. There are two changes I would really suggest to make it less frustrating, though: first, cats currently will slide off of moving platforms super easily, and matching a platform's speed with keyboard controls to direct the cats to not fall is kind of tough. Pretty much every time I got stuck without enough cats to progress it was because half of my group slipped off a moving platform. Second, with large groups of cats, I always had some which just walked off the edge to their doom. Give them at least some basic survival instincts! ;) I guess stacking helps with this? (wasn't sure what the stacking was for, actually)

But even with a bit of frustration, it's a fun game, thanks :)

Thanks for taking the time to play the game. :)

The stacking mechanic is for the narrower platforms as the cats won't be as spread out and the speed is reduced, making it easier to navigate through those areas. The moving platforms require more speed, so it is best to unstack all of them for maximum cat speed. Another strategy would be to deposit some cats first while taking a smaller, faster group of cats for the more dangerous exploration.

I hope you managed 50/50 next time. Cheers!