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This game is otherworldly. By that I mean it comes from some other world were Guilty Gear 2 wasn't the hottest shit on the block and somebody thought it was a good idea to make crouching jab a frametrap. Very elaborate story mode though, I don't think I've ever seen something like this in mugen besides the chronicles of Kung Fu Man and Suave Dude.

Unfortunately since neither best boy Testament or best girl Okuu show up I can't recommend it, unless you really have an affinity for the jank-ass guilty gear 1 sprites.

The story mode is actually a new addition. It shares the fight state controller stuff, along with a custom set of "story variables" which can be set in a character's state machine, so elaborate scenarios with multiple pathways like in Guilty Gear X2 are possible. Set a flag if the character won with more than a third of its health, etc., that whole stuff. I always thought that was neat and was kinda expecting they'd bring that back with Xrd. Instead I got the world's longest cutscene. Not that this great, great Touhou tribute had any pathways, with this I just wanted something quick Liq can skaddiddle through during his stream, 10 minutes tops.

Testament was in the game for some time, but I couldn't make >him work. Not even the almighty crouching jab frametrap stood a chance against whatever the hell the Testament "AI" was doing. Thus Komachi (Testament) joined the rejection pit along with fortune teller (Dr. Baldhead) and Cirno (Sub-Zero).

But hey, if nothing else, I think this version fixed the bug that made rich monitor owners suffer in direct relation to their wealth. It's now locking the web version to 60 FPS. In previous versions this caused a dramatic slowdown, but the current version, almost a year later, is fine with it. So yeah, thanks for playing despite being busy with the super secret mystery.


I actually didn't test the web version because I thought I learned my lesson by now, but it is in fact locked to 60 fps on my rich people monitor now.Shame about testament and Cirno though, that sounds like it could've been funny.

And yeah sorry about the silence, being under NDA sucks.