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First, I'd like to focus on what I'd love to see improved. Technically speaking, the character feels very difficult to control. The velocity of the character seems to vary wildly and inconsistently between ground and air movements. and I'd regularly miss simple jumps and get caught oddly on corners. Also, I ran into several issues with picking up objects: I'd often get stuck underneath them, and this ended my run every time it happened, which is a real shame!

That said, WOW is this game gorgeous. The pixel art is some of the best I've seen, and the overall quality of both the audio and visual feedback for throwing objects, defeating enemies, and collecting $$$ make the act of going for a high score consistently engaging.

With some tighter controls on the player and a few bug fixes, this would easily be a 5/5. Amazing work, and I hope you continue with this one!


Great to know. I think those are all great improvements.  hopefully they will be implemented after the jam. Thanks for the feedback