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you need to use [ ] bracket keys. They will be on your keyboard as they are essential. Depending on the language of your keyboard you may have to press shift or control or alt or control and alt or command (if using mac) 

My keyboard has the Spanish layout, and altough I have the bracket keys [] and I've tried pressing them along with shift, alt, control, and all of their combinations, still nothing happens. If you ever happen to update the game, could you please add q/e or maybe the arrow keys as extra controls?

Ha okay that makes sense. Obviously I never tested it on anything other than english qwerty but looking at the Spanish keyboard layout I see brackets were a bad choice. I'll  add something more universal tonight, probably O and P, that should fix the issue. Under normal circumstances I'd let you rebind keys but that's not something I was super concerned with with a seven day limit. Thanks for the info!