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So, I'll start..

I'm Dan, I'm your main support contact for Search For A Star & the voice behind the Grads In Games account. I've been doing marketing with Grads In Games & Search For A Star for nearly 4 years, doing a lot of the behind-the-scenes work for the challenges. If you come along to the showcase event in April, I'll probably be the one making sure everything's in the right place & calming down nervous finalists.

I don't really do game dev aside from sometimes messing with Unity or Gamemaker, most of my creative work is in weird audio & sound design. Luckily, I (and by proxy, you) have access to a network of hundreds of professional game devs, artists and animators to help out with SFAS.

I try to be as helpful as possible, so if you need anything you can either get me on the support forum, email me at or find me on Twitter.