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Hey guys,

Hopefully everyone get's a bit of time to work on things this weekend - I'll do my best, probably have to take tonight off though.

My plan is to refactor tileset and characters to new final sizes and adjust the test level accordingly -  going to 32x32 pixel tiles, which means larger tiles and characters, and player 2 will probably get wider (skinny guy).

I also want to keep improving player movement and get the whole 'brain' thing working smooth between the characters.

Bytes, I did create a Trello account but I don't seem to have any permission to do anything. I'm going to keep creating github issues and owning them to indicate what I'm doing for now.

I think along with either Trello (and Github for now) - that Discord chat server for gameoff I setup (you should have an invite bytes) is probably a good place to also communicate on where we'll all see it.

Lastly there's lots of work around platforms moving properly, other objects to implement, etc. to do - so don't by shy, dive in! Just make sure via GitHub you're showing what you're working on and on that discord chat as well- we don't want overlap and to waste each others time!

I have also made a trello but have absolutely no idea how to use it lol. Looks interesting though.