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so this is a pretty standard twin stick shooter roguelike, you've got the gungeon roll and everything. i'm making something similar (but not a roguelike) and two things i've founds to be true are you want the played to always be in the middle of the screen and enemies should lead projectiles if they're not going to shoot them in patterns, there's already a game which kinda has this same horror aesthetic in "lovecraft's untold stories" but it's a lot more claustrophobic

i've got a script which lets enemies predict where the player is going and aim there, maybe do something similar if enemies are just going to shoot one projectile

it just feels pretty generic, as someone who has played a lot of these twin stick shooter roguelikes i'd prefer something that plays a little different

Thanks for the feedback.
Yeah it agree that it feels generic right now. For this release I was really more trying to land on a combat model that is satisfying enough. After this release and after I finish the refactor I intend to focus solely on design aspect, because I have a lot of ideas in store that would help to distinguish this game from others. Small steps I guess :)

(1 edit)

Oh, and also I 100% intend to have predictable projectiles. Didn't have time to implement yet, though. Thanks, buddy.