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This controls pretty satisfyingly. Sometimes it felt unclear if the "F" grapple was going to work or not. I think there was an indication that grapple was going to work whenever the crosshair changed to an x?  The combat bit felt kinda janky, I don't know how much it actually adds to the gameplay, the parkour aspect of the game felt like it could carry itself pretty good without any combat.

The biggest concern I had was that the rope felt kinda elastic/slow. It kinda took too long for it to attach to objects and when it eventually stuck to something it kinda felt like the rope was way longer than it should have been.

Also: Highest tower climbed!

Yeah, i should've put some more tutorial in when grapple works or not.

I'll try iron out the combat and take other feedback about keeping your speed and maybe it'll work better, that's what the next demoday is for, right?

Swinging is something i'm going to look into again, since i found some good resources on physics in vidya, so that should make it more responsive.

Thank you for playing!