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Nice graphics! It seems unfair that enemies have 7 HP, though. One and done, kinda. Also, only the first chest I opened healed me. Was that intentional? I wish the secret wall passages went somewhere! This is a nice start, in any case. A turn-based Zelda 1 is a fun idea. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your comment ! Here are some answers :

  • That's right, enemies need to be balanced ^^"
  • Opening a chest healed you ? Oo
    This is not supposed to happen... Due to lack of time, chest should do nothing except changing their sprite.
  • "Secret passage"... are actually a bug because I don't show the sprite of doors when they should lead to nowhere (out of bound of the dungeon array)
    Well done to have found them!

Thanks again for your feedback, I'll look into these bugs and ideas !

Haha! It must have been my imagination about the chest healing me - I thought I was at 1 HP and then I had 2 HP. Wishful thinking, I guess!! XD