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(1 edit) (+1)

Couldn't finish it. I tried though, but the game is just too punishing!

Wall jumps are awkward, if the rocket explodes you start from the very first platform instead of the others, dying (losing all your lives) restarts THE WHOLE GAME. Why do you even have lives?! The falling platforms FALL IF YOU TOUCH THEM FROM ABOVE. Enemies are introduced too late, you have an "energy meter" for the dash and fireball for some reason?  The rocket is hard to control and explodes too fast. It even explodes BEFORE the fuel bar is empty. The fuel stations don't recharge your fuel instantly. If your rocket explodes, you don't start over with a full tank.

After a while I handed the game to my brother and cried laughing at his failing attempts at the game.

And it's a shame I couldn't finish it! The game looks good! The effects look really pretty! (though maybe a bit overdone for my tastes). The dialogues are funny and charming. They do have some grammatical errors, but nothing that deters from the experience. And the game's bigger than what you'd expect from a jam entry.  Sound effects aren't great, but didn't bother me either. 

Overall, this was an ambitious project that only needs UX tweaks. I think getting people to playtest this and getting video reactions (like you did for my game) would help.

Edit: Also found this bug where I respawned on some other previous island and the rocket wasn't there so I couldn't go anywhere.


You got punished bro! Haha, no but thank you so much for trying! That is the main feedback I have been getting, that it is a bit too hard! Typical problem when you developing your game as you always feel that it is too easy. But you gave some clear hints as on how to improve! Appreciate the honest feedback, and also that you let your brother at it to laugh at him lol

Yes, when you play your own game during development you get used to everything and can't see what's hard or easy, or just awkward. When I was starting my game, the controls where keyboard only, so dashing went in the opposite direction to shooting and was incredibly hard to control. Many friends told me that. I didn't want to change it, cause it was my vision for the project, but I'm glad I finally yielded. Without that playtesting feedback, the game would've sucked. 

I'm sorry if my feedback/criticism sounded too harsh.


haha no worries bro it is all good and we can always learn! ^^