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     Always a treat! When I first converted my save file my HP was in the negative and I was never able to heal it into the positive. The first time the enemy took their turn I auto lost the fight so I went ahead and started a new file.

    The fights themselves felt really well paced this time. I would have liked to have had something to do with the polarity gauge even when Rhett wasn't around. It was kind of sitting there awkwardly and maybe if it changed into something else entirely (or was removed) when not using Rhett it would feel a little better.

     I would have really liked some extra things to do "in between" fights. Maybe some more ways to interact with the crew or something else but going from the short intermission back into battle is almost tiring when you have such a wealth of characters and designs waiting to be explored in the downtime. Find ways to use them and I promise it will go ridiculously far with how charming they are! Looking forward to the next showing!

Thanks so much for taking the time to play it again! I'm sorry the save conversion didn't work out - that's the first I heard of it turning HP into a negative. I'll have to look into that. I'm glad the fights seemed better-paced. Previously I had the polarity bar disappear when Rhett wasn't active, so perhaps I'll go back to doing that. 

You bring up a really good point with the hub. I'll try to think of more ways to interact with your crew. I'm really glad you like the character personalities and designs though! That makes me really happy to hear.