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A downloadable game for Windows.


Very nice, love the paper puzzle

oktembaris77 published a game 355 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
W-A-S-D / Camera Movement Space / Camera Lock Left Click / Unit Movement Right Click / Move Multiple Units Programmer Bar谋艧 脰ktem 2D Graphics
jetpackjules published a game 356 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Play as a spaceship powered by the elements! Survive waves of enemies that grow powerful as time goes on! Pick upgrades to your ship every 100 points to rule the galaxy! (All assets were made using PixelVibe AI for the PixelVibe Mystic Elem...
DexPalBuddu published a game 357 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
The Unseen is a detective mystery story that follows a young person, Mia, in a high tech city called Lumis, a metropolis centered around Elemental magic. Mia has the gift of absorbing and reversing elemental damage, making them a prime cand...
Im MuNsiF published a game 360 days ago
A downloadable game.
Un juego de aventuras y acci贸n seguimos donde la historia de una persona que a lo largo de la historia se dar谩 cuenta de unas oscuras verdades, e intentara arreglar su pasado de la mejor manera posible.