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Isekai/Online: The Player's Guide To (SURVIVING) Mundus

A topic by Talia "Elli" B created Jan 28, 2023 Views: 236 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Hello all!

This year I'm going to try something different - making a sourcebook for the game Valor, based on my existing  story Isekai/Online.  With it, you should be able to run the same kinds of adventures that the I/O books are about - high anime fantasy action as a counterpoint to the extistential questions brought up by VR tech and isekai stories.

Making a tabletop RPG where you level have a theme of growth isn't hard, nor is it hard to find growth in stories about self-discovery when you become who you pretend to be.  So that's covered.

Update.  Did some outlining and talked to my friend and frequent cowriter and graphics design wizard R. Malsin.  I also set up the project page.

a RPG Game... very good. good luck.


I've run into snags, and may not complete this by the end of the jam.  I do think I'll have something useful by the end of the month, though, and will show you what I've got at the end of the jam.

ok if you no finish your project before the end of game jam, it doesn't matter ok ? continue.

I do plan to finish if nothing else the introductory adventure.