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[DevLog] Zalonar's Low-Poly Showcase

A topic by Zalonar created Jul 09, 2016 Views: 338 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4
(2 edits)


Okay Kids, Story Time! A couple years back I was in a real bad spot mentally. While I was going through the troubles, I came up with an idea for a game that could represent what I was going through. That game was SP. Now that I'm in better place mentally and in terms of skill, I've decided to come back to the idea and make a functional prototype of it.

Assets, Experience and Engine

I'm going to be making this in unity. I have a whopping <6 hours of experience with it so this should be fun. I did manage to learn about unity's built in first-person character controller and raycasting, so I'm not going in totally blind.

Models and animation will be done in blender which I've been learning over the last month. I don't know how to import/export models or make animations, but whatever...

I might be using Bosca Ceoil to make music, but if anyone has actual musical talent and would like to compose for a horror game, maybe we could work together???


SP is a first-person abstract horror game where you must navigate through rooms filled with creatures known as Iudiciums(pictured above). If you look directly at the Iudiciums, the world will distort around you. If you look at them for too long you will die.

For the last game jam I made Dang Cowboys in My Bar, aplatformer that is way more cheerful than this game will be. Hopefully, I can make this game at least interesting to play. I look forward to deving with you all.

( o u o)--b


the project as described above has been scrapped in favor of an interactive model showcase.


oooo i really like this character concept already... i love horror games and weird monsters so i can't wait to see more! it sounds like you're biting off a lot--if you're needing help with animations and rigging, i definitely suggest using mixamo to auto rig and export animations--it's really quick and i use it for my games to speed up my process! best of luck with your game i'm looking forward to it!!

Update 7/12

Sorry for the silence. I've been busy with work, and didn't want to post here until I had something to show

Due to scheduling conflicts, I need to get character modeling out of the way first while I have certain hardware available to me. Here's the model for the Iudicium. This is the 3rd 3d model I've ever done and the first with completed textures. I'll be able to get rigging and animation done on Thursday.

Update 7/17

Ok. Between work and the fact that I'm gonna be traveling this week, I've realized that I'm never gonna get this game in the shape I want it to be by the deadline. So, instead I'm gonna turn this into a sort of interactive showcase for my low poly models(there might be two of them).

I'm definitely going to revisit my idea for SP later, but I'm going to have to get a better grasp of unity first.

and also give myself more time...