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Are we supposed to still be making changes to our games?

A topic by AdamSeslar created Mar 04, 2020 Views: 162 Replies: 1
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Submitted (1 edit)

Just curious, i keep coming across different updates that take into account feedback which is awesome, but for the sake of the jam i thought the idea was to release what you have in the time frame not to polish it with every feedback. Its my first jam so forgive my ignorance just not familiar with how these go. Do you only play the zip or whatever from the time of submission or do you judge on anything after?

HostSubmitted (1 edit)

Oh whoa! I thought I unchecked that... thanks for the heads up!!! Sorry, for the confusion you are totally right! I'll fix that right now!!

EDIT: I'm so dumb! There's a box (for the host) that allows for editing changes/allowing uploads and I actually did have it unchecked (which I thought was correct) but it turns out you have to check it to disable new uploads! I can't believe I had those switched around... sorry!

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