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A jam submission

void Connect()View game page

A very short active puzzle experience
Submitted by senseless — 10 minutes, 1 second before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Art Direction#1093.5563.556
Game Design#1183.3333.333

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you for playing, glad you liked it.

Submitted (1 edit)

Finally managed to finish the game (took me a while to figure out how to beat each level), and had a lot of fun. I suck at puzzle games, but for some reason these puzzles didn't feel "frustrating", but rather challenging. It's hard to explain, but I usually give up fairly quickly on puzzle games, yet I happily played this one to the end. Definitely one of the harder games (and could definitely benefit from a tutorial, but I know how tight time is in these sort of jams).

Loved the simplistic art style, and the sound effects were great. Overall, I had a lot of fun! Good job on the game!
Edit: Typo


Thank you very much. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it despite some of the shortcomings. I didn't intend on it being as tough as people say it is, but in the end, I think, it helped balance out the scarcity of the levels, interestingly enough.


rage quit on level 2 but all in all a great experience!


Haha, thanks. Level 2 seems to be a big issue, wish I managed my time more and made a proper tutorial.


Interesting idea. I like the fact that with each new stage new game mechanics. Pleasant minimalist visuals. I like it!


Thank you. Tried to do my best with a bit of variety in levels since I left too little time to go for quantity.


I love the art, sounds and concept, really premium. level 2 is tough!!


Thanks for playing. Yeah, ended up putting more time into presentation than actual levels, sadly.


Very interesting concept and well executed.

I think that the exit from the levels should bring to the menu rather than quitting the game.

I hope you'll add more levels after the jam.


Thank you. Definitely planning on turning this into something more eventually.


I Liked the game and the style of it,it was clean,but i wish the levels were a bit easier

Overall Nice Job!


Thanks. I didn't actually create the levels until the very end, so they ended up being very crude. Should really manage my tasks more seriously next time.

cool, i like it



Submitted (2 edits)

What I like :

- Sci-fi Mood

- Minimalist design

- Good light

- Sounds and particles

- Concept is nice

What can be improved :

- Some tutorial (I have to read the previous comment to get to level 3)

- Weapon control are complex without any reason. Simply aim with mouse down, and fire with mouse up . Could also change weapon with a short click.

- Simply change the diamond color with another shot.

- Use different shape for orbs in addition to color.

- Speed up the character

Overall the game is pretty well done, the downside are mainly due to controls. With simpler controls, the exploration of the game is easier and the lack of a tutorial can even be armless. 

Keep up the good work !

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for the great feedback. Most of the problems you've described stem from the features I had no time to properly implement in the end. Should've tried to make something simpler and stick with it from the start, a lesson for next time, I guess.


Didn't really understand how to pass the second level, sorry


You can change projectile type with middle-click. Didn't have time to add hints and control prompts, sorry about that. Thanks for playing.


Alright, will try it again in a bit!