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Update on what's happening Sticky

A topic by DevSpace created Apr 25, 2018 Views: 144
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Hello there :)

I'm Danny and I'm the main "facilitator" of DevSpace. It was amazing to see so many cool games come in! I have a couple of quick things to say about where we go from here.

Firstly, please send anymore work you want to include and we will put it in the bundle. "Submission" is technically closed but that's really just so that people weren't working for too long you know? You can still send us stuff on slack or Email.

In terms of the bundle I will begin assembling it soon but I've been busy with other stuff. I'm aiming for a June release probably as there is quite a lot of work to be done on getting it ready.

Thanks again for everything! The Jam was a huge success and we hope to do it again!

