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Dreamland RevolutionView game page

A Revolution of the Imagination
Submitted by Inglo Games — 15 hours, 21 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version
3.2.2 RC 1


Game Description
A Revolution of the Imagination

Discord Username

Participation Level (GWJ)
6th time

Jam Time
7th jam

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Really impressive to get a strategy game done in a game jam! Great art style and I had a lot of fun, but the scenario I died on (4th, I think?) was simply impossible. On my best attempt there were only two enemy infantry left, but I'm not sure what I could have done better? I agree with other commenters below that some animations would have been nice.


Thanks, I worked hard to get done what I did!  I really wish I could have solved the unit stacking issue before the deadline but oh well.  I want to go back and fix that (and probably add animations) sometime later.

The missions are all beatable, but really the only way to get through the last couple are to pull back while using artillery to pick off enemy units.


> the last couple are to pull back while using artillery to pick off enemy units.

Aaaah. I didn't try that. :-) I think I had a lake behind my units or something, but I guess I could have rotated ("revolved" perhaps?) around the enemy units a bit?


Enjoyed the art style of the game. Having different units made the game a lot more interesting.

Only issue I have is the enemies stacking ontop of your units. You can't click on them anymore.


I'm glad you enjoyed it, I went with a childish look to help hide the fact that I can't do art to save my life.  Later on I'm planning on going back and fixing the unit stacking issue.


Fun game, loved the overall theme and appearance. I do wish there was some animation, and sometimes the units would stack up and make it hard to select and target.


Thank you!  After the ratings period I am going to try to go back and fix the unit stacking issue.


I really like the style of the game: it seems like a game that a child would make with pen and paper, and I mean it in the most positive way. The problem with this is that the lack of animation really makes it difficult to understand what's happening most of the time. The sounds help, but they're not enough. Also, once I have a couple of enemy units on one of mine, I couldn't click it. 

It needs polishing but it's really unique, great job!


Thank you :) I'm happy the whole child's imagination thing wasn't lost in my terrible art.

(1 edit)

Really loved this game :) Haven't played such games for a very long time, so enjoyed it a lot! :) Ofc some usability polishing is still needed, as mentioned by others, but still cool :) Walked through all the levels in one run :)


Nice job!  It definitely has issues, mainly the unit stacking and the lack of collision with water and mountains.  I'm going to try to fix those after the ratings are done.

(1 edit)

Btw, seems nobody has written about it yet, but web-version for me is slightly broken in Chrome specifically for unknown reason - background is completely black. Though Opera seems to show everything correctly :) And fun fact is that is first ran through this game in Chrome (without background), and only now did it in the Windows build :)


Fun! Had a difficult time with a few of the last levels but managed to beat the game. Was a bit frustrating when enemy units were on top of my units and I couldn't click them, not sure how this could've been addressed, maybe just make enemies pass through mouse input? Still enjoyable and inspirational as mentioned by others.
The art was nice and fit with the idea that it was happening in a child's imagination.


Thank you for the comment.  The unit-stacking issue is definitely the biggest issue in the game and I really wish I had time to fix it.  I think I'll be re-working the game after the ratings are done so that's first on my to-do list.


Enjoyed it alot! The characters and theme made me want to got through each stage just to hear more. The difficulty didn't feel challanging but didn't detract from the rest of the story.


Thanks for playing :)


really cute story, and the troops were surprisingly balanced and unique, especially for a jam game. The gameplay was deep enough to keep me thinking on every turn, and could make for a pretty dynamic strategy game. The music got a little annoying after a while, but it didn't really take away from the game


Thanks for the comment!  I went through a few round of balancing the units so I'm glad to hear it paid off.


Had a lot of fun playing it!

There was a lot of great content here: multiple unit types, a growing story with several characters and missions, and fun art. I also appreciated the gentle ramp-up in difficulty that made it easy to grasp the game mechanics.

p.s. My strategy in every big battle involved retreating while hammering the enemy with my artillery, until they were close enough that I had no choice but to engage.


Thank you for the comment!  Your strategy is definitely the best one since the AI's only tactic is to rush toward your units haha.

Submitted (2 edits)

This game has revolutionized my thinking of a typical strategy game design - it can still be playable & enjoyable, even without any grid system or rules. As a game designer I should always become more creative and think out of the box. Thanks for your inspiration.


I'm glad I could help you think a little wider.  My original inspiration was table-top war games, which is why I used standard NATO symbols for the units.

If I had more time I definitely would have made the units not able to stack on top of each other, that was probably my biggest problem!


I'm very impressed by this turn based strategy game. I think I've never seen one made for a game jam, so it was a really fresh experience. Apart from the programmer-art, the game has cute little dialogues and genuinely fun combat, it also has quite a length for a game jam game. Great!


Thank you!  Art is definitely my weakest skill, but I'm glad to hear everything else holds up.

Loved it :) Reminded me of one of my favorite games Fire Emblem. I like your gameplay style. It was fun.


Fire Emblem is one of my favorite series too, thanks for the comparison :)