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Merian The KnightView game page

A modern videogame character that has been sent to another dimension where everything is old... but familiar
Submitted by Drakenroft, OlteCo — 7 hours, 14 minutes before the deadline
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Mixamo animations, and the background music from, everything else is made by us.

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Great visuals got beat unexpectedly when trying to hit the boxes to see if anything happens and the enemies just ran straight through fence :D. Overall pretty nice


Thanks a lot! I'm really happy you liked it
For the red knight passing through object i made their collission a bit smaller they actually pass through the opening between the little columns not through the object itself, i did this because i didn't got enough time to level design a proper dungeon for this smaller demo, and the aggro code is really basic at this moment so i made this possibile so they don't just run at the wall ahahah


Cool concept but need to fix the juice on attack mechanic.


Thanks a lot for your feedback!
What do you mean with the juice on attacks? Missing sounds?


Went into it without reading what the controls are and got my ass whooped 😁Then came back with my newfound knowledge of BLOCKING and beat it! Cool game, the mechanics and aesthetics are definitely on point! The damage frames are a bit confusing at times, seemed like I was getting hit before the enemies landed their strikes, also would've loved to hear some cling clang sounds when fighting. But overall, for the amount of time that you put in it's an awesome game!


Thanks a lot for you feedback! I really appreciate it

Yeah, i wanted to add som,e sound to add some weight to the hits
For the "hit before getting hit" i think it was only view perspective, damage is calculated on collision from the enemy sword on the collider of the player, which is just the size of the player, so there shouldn't be a bug there (but since you reported it i will investigate more!)


Cool game! It has potential


Thanks a lot!
It will get a lot bigger with the next updates


Very cool


Thanks a lot, i really appreciate it!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I did it! It took a few attempts but I did it! When the enemies hit for 2 hearts, is that a bug or a charge attack? The red knights can pass trough objects, speaking of the red knights seeing them charge at me really does induce the PS1 horror of being relentlessly chased by enemies. I'd make the player faster, doesn't need to be faster than the enemies (probably shouldn't be), but at the moment if feels slightly sluggish. Besides the speed I enjoyed the player controls and I hope you expand on this game (parry/shield reminds me of Valheim and I know not to get greedy with hits, love that game).  I see people are bothered by the difficulty but I'd like the red guys to have a chance to break trough the defence so you have to try and parry them lmao

I'll be revisiting occasionally after the jam ends to see if there are any updates, with a few extra mechanics and a larger dungoeon this will be great

Developer (6 edits) (+1)

This comment makes me really happy, your feedback is super appreciated!
The two hearts hit is not a bug is intentional, if you are more near to the enemy more damage you will take, is to remember the player to have some distance during a sword fight! Also yes i'm thinking about speeding Merian a bit too
The "poise" like idea to break the shield is a great idea i will evaluate it after the coming updates which should include an outdoor zone, a lot bigger dungeon, some NPC with dialogue and a boss!

(for the red knight passing through object i made their collission a bit smaller they actually pass through the opening between the little columns not through the object itself, i did this because i didn't got enough time to level design a proper dungeon for this smaller demo, and the aggro code is really basic at this moment so i made this possibile so they don't just run at the wall ahahah)


Glad I made you feel that way ^_^

Thanks for the explanations, and be sure to ping me once you expand the game ;D


Yeah i will! You can also add the game to a collection to keep it tracked 


Really cool prototype to expand on! Took some time to get good and understand how to fight against NPCs. Once I got it - flawless completion. 

Aesthetics and music are really pleasing. They really help to feel the flow with the game. My only negatives are HP system (don't see a point with 3 Hearts if you die in 2 hits in most situations) and hit registration, which is extremely hard to polish in jam. 

Oh, and one more positive thing. I absolutely love HP indicators above NPCs. So simple, yet so understandable and easy to read for players. 


Thanks a lot for your kind words, they really makes me happy!

For the "death in 2 hits" is because the more near the enemy will get to you the more damage they will do, is to remember to give proper distance in a sword fight to not be overwhelmed is intentional, my suggestion is that if the enemy starts getting to near do a parry and get some distance in their cooldown, hit registration is precise the problem is mostly derivated to animation, since the hitbox are really precise if your or the enemy sword doesn't touch the player/enemy no damage will be done.

Also glad you liked the HP indicators i like them a lot too, i will probalby re-use the idea for other games i like how it came out


Great work! Enjoyed the art and style of this game. Keen to see some improvements to the combat and extra content! Will come back to this one


Thanks a lot!!
Yeah a lot more love for this little demo is arriving than i would imagine, i'm really glad you liked it!
I will update it as soon as i get some free time from work ahahah, most of the things are already done just needing finishing touches 


Really nice game! Love this style, gameplay is a bit hard thought. Also, the game is a little buggy, sometimes enemies go through walls, kill with one blow, or, on the contrary, do nothing. In general, it's a cool game, the only thing is that it's a little bit buggy.


Thanks a lot for playing, i'm happy you liked it!!
For the bug side yeah sadly i didn't had the time to fix all the bugs, we were still working on more content when we deployed this smaller demo of what it should have been, but some you listed are not bugs the more damage if you are more near to the enemy is intentional, is to remember the player to have some distance during a sword fight!
But for the others you have listed i will fix them in the next updates


Fun but challenging game, Great job!


I'm really happy that you liked it!!
Thanks a lot for playing 


Nice job on the game. It was rough for me. This is not  my style of game. The camera look and movement felt great. I felt like I needed more feedback on if I was hitting the guys or not. I saw the hearts, but I would of liked a clank or a flash, or something a bit more noticeable then the hearts. I swung several times when I though I would hit and did not. Maybe a slight color flash on the one you actually going to hit. It was a great job though, those were just some of my thoughts. 


Thank a lot for your feedback i really appreciate it!
Yes i need to add a bit of "weight" to the hit of the players but i'm still not complitely sure on what to do, since PS1 games didn't have a lot of sparky things i don't want to ruin the old/retro look & feel, so i'm trying to find a solution which is appropiate.
Probably coming with one of the coming updates




That one is pretty hard


The secret is to try to parry (or at least block) them and go for the combo! (Light Attack then Charged Attack they will transition smoothly)
Hope you liked the game even if you found it hard, i wanted to replicate the frustrating experience of old hard PS1 games!
Also enemy have cooldown so you have openings after they attacked you could block if you aren't sure to parry, and then use their opening to punish them!


Wow, i loved the artstyle! It got that ps1 retro feel. Nice! (Hard btw haha)

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks a lot! I’m really happy you liked the game.

Yeah exactly the PS1 is exactly what i wanted to re-create, is still missing something like a good CRT shader but i managed to add Fog the right ammount of render distence and the most important, Vertex Jitter it is the most iconic thrait of the PS1 for me.

If you find the game hard i suggest to try blocking and attack enemies during their cooldown, you will have a nice opening there! Or the best and the fastest way is to hit a parry and go for the combo (Light Attack then Charged Attack)


Man! I could not catch a break with these guys. I like the look of the game.

Developer (2 edits)

The secret is to try to parry (or at least block) them and go for the combo! (Light Attack then Charged Attack they will transition smoothly)
Hope you liked the game even if you found it hard, i wanted to replicate the frustrating experience of old hard PS1 games!
Also enemy have cooldown so you have openings after they attacked you could block if you aren't sure to parry, and then use their opening to punish them!


Great game! Hope you will continue to build upon this one. Lots of feedback in the comments already which I agree with so I wont repeat, but you have a gem in the rough here. Great job!


Thanks a lot for your words!!
Yes! We will keep updating the game, in fact we already got a Boss Fight and an outdoor zone (the initial plan was to start there THEN enter the dungeon that should have been A LOT bigger) but the time to submit for the jam was running out so we had to deploy this smaller demo. Once i will have again some free time from work i will pull the updates most of which are already done i just need to do the finishing touches.


I learned to block and actually WON! I do feel accomplished now. I beat my first souls-like :-) I actually enjoyed the speed of the small ones, as it meant an extra careful approch. I like when action games have puzzle-like strategies and I felt it a bit here in how to approach each mob, from where and in which order. maybe something to build upon?

great graphics, too.


You got the exact spirit i wanted the game to be approached, even if it small (the initial plan was to make it a lot bigger i already finished a boss fight and an outdoor zone but didn't manage to pull them in the game with the finishing touches before the jam ends, but i will upload those when i got some times from work) the enemies are really aggressive so you have to careful chose how to approach them at your first try maybe trying to get the aggro for one at time, then when skill kick in, learning how to block/parry you just go full power house mode ahahah.
For me that's the spirit of a souls like, strategy when skill is lacking, brute force when skill is present.
Thanks a lot for your review i really made me happy!!

(Also once again, your game truly is amazing!)


The speed on those enemies! Fun small game but it's hard to see the theme besides the game description. I second the comment about sound effects too.


Yeah my game is not the most fit with the theme if you don't read the description, i should have done some introduction in-game ;/
I hope you still liked anyway.
And yes enemy are crazy fast like a good frustrating old good time PS1 was! Ahahaha i plan to make slower ones with some updates, the initial plan was to have the game bigger with an outdoor zone and A LOT larger dungeon, but the time ran out sadly, i will keep updating the game adding those things most of which are already done just need finishing touch!
Thanks a lot for your feedback


the one big thing missing from this was hit sounds when you got hit, and when the enemy got hit. also a sound for when you parried.  also those enemys were on some super charged speed or crack or something running at you like a freight train. :D


Thanks a lot for you feedback,
Yeah i wanted too to add hit sounds i plan to add those in the next days after the jam now i can't work is taking all my time ahaha.
Yeah i wanted the NPC to be hella fast and aggressive like a good old PS1 game! But once you get confident with parry and combo mechanic is not too difficult to take them down, i hope you still enjoyed the game in the form it is now!


yeah the game was interesting to play, it took a minute to get the timing of the enemys attacks down.

Developer (1 edit)

I'm really happy you liked it, the initial plan was to make it a lot bigger, a lot of stuff is already ready i plan to update it after the jam is finished and i got some time from work


I like the ambient and the art! Good work!
When you died, you cant use the mouse to restart the game :C
If this game was made with Unity, you can use:

Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;

When someone die


Thanks a lot for your kind words we are super happy that you enjoyed the game it was a rush for us, we planned a lot more, like NPC a Boss Fight and a small outdoor map (and the dungeon should have been A LOT larger) most of those things are even ready (we used only 10% of all the models we made) but since the time was running out we had to deploy the simpliest thing :/ (we worked on the game only 5 days 1-2hours a day)
But we plan to add those missing features in the next days.
For the cursor, yeah i intentionally deactivated the cursor i know the code for it, i wanted a more PSX like experience were you do navigate the menus using only your gamepad or eventually the keyboard!
Once again i'm really happy that you liked the game!

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