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A downloadable game for Windows.
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Tios updated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
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Anais Biscaras published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Let's Goat is a student game made for the GaCha 2022 . The theme was 馃悙馃寛馃幃 and our constraints were : - Direction artistic inspired by AI - The game must be a mix of at least 2 gameplays - The game must have dynamic difficulty - The...
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
Fefeman updated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
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Overcracked No PostProcess 233 MB
Vinek published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Credits : 馃 Game Programmers : Samuel HELYE - Martin Maillard - Ambre Lamouchi - Virginie Nguyen 馃枌 Game Artists : C茅cile Cuillerier - N茅mo Duflot - Gabriel Tixidor 鉁掞笍 Game Designers : Lucie Jean-Louis - Vincent Gauthier 馃幍 Sou...
NolwennA published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Dans le cadre de la GACHA organis茅e par Ubisoft, nous avons r茅alis茅 ce jeu en moins de 72h. Nous avons d没 tirer 5 cartes de la destin茅e qui nous on conduit 脿 cr茅er ce jeu. "Miaou city n'en peut plus, une vague d'herbe 脿 chat frappai...
A downloadable game for Windows.
Created during GaCha 2022, you'll play a kangaroo creating and mixing his own drug to sell it a the front of your truck
Tios published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Jeu cr茅茅 pour la GachaJam 2022 Hippo Runbow est un jeu au tour par tour en deux phases : Une phase de construction dans laquelle un premier joueur cr茅e un niveau. Une phase de plate-forme dans laquelle le deuxi猫me joueur tentera de term...