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Your game is really well practiced, well thought out. The cara-design is great :D
It took me a "day of work" to understand that I had to accept the packages myself when I wanted.
I like the fact that we can have the choice, to accept smuggling or not, or to follow the job's rules or just farm resources. Anyway congrats :)

Thank you very much  Aaven! :) The fact that the gameplay is slightly behind doesn't surprise me at all ahah, but I plan to work on it. And I'm super happy that you like the story and the universe.
It is so cool to see a trend in ideas emerging from the comments and with the testers, so thanks again <3

And about the visuals, I don't know, it kind of came about like that. I had already created these trees before and I thought it was great to put them at the bottom of a sea empty of water, visually it pops even if it's is absurd. Because I'm in love with the forest (and flooded forests like mangroves!!)
And besides that I love creating cute characters haha.

I don't know if that answers your question :)

Thank you for your feedback !! <3 You're not the first to tell me that they want to play the mermaid ^^

Basically, my plan was that once all the water items where collected and the fountain reactivated, rain would fall and the water would begin to rise, and all the animals calm down. Like a second part of the game.

And indeed, the use of water vision is missing a restriction ! Do you have an idea ? :) Perhaps it could only be accessible once an action is performed (defeat an enemy (but I don't have a fight system lol), find an item) or accessible in limited time or resources...

Also agree about the music throughout the game :)

Thanks for your comment! :) Yes it's true, the idea of water vision came to me at the very end and I didn't have time to create interesting gameplay with it..
But the idea would perhaps be to only be able to activate it at certain times, or to have a timer, or for it to disrupt something else (like the character's speed) or to make you more vulnerable ?
I'm also thinking that other things could appear in water vision, like ghosts or epic cyanobacteria ahaha :D

Hello :) <-- My game is about a legged mermeid dreaming about her Ocean being suddently empty, and searching for water <3

I tried to focus on visual art because I'm new to game dev world ^^ I would appreciate any comment and honest feedback because I would like to continue this project after the voting week :)

I love the offer :D  Here is my game --> It is about a legged mermeid dreaming about her Ocean being suddently empty, and searching for water.
I tried to focus on visual art because I'm new to game dev world... I would appreciate any comment and feedback because I would like to continue this project after the voting week :)

Ahah, I loved the octopus escaping animation at the end :) cool

Hello :) Here is mine : about a little legged mermaid who search for water to help the Liquid World <3 thx !! + I would really appreciate any feedback :)

Hi <3 I would really appreciate rating, and also any comments to improve my game about a little legged mermaid who search for water to help the Liquid World <3 thx !!

woow i realy liked your game. The cute caracters and the perfect amount chilling-challenging :)

woo I'm impressed ! Cool graphics and creative menu :) I found it hard, then I realised that I can climb on the walls hehe

Thx you’re very kind , I did my best :) 

I very love the art and the vibe! First I didn't really saw the connection with the "aqua" theme until I read the description :)

Aaw this is very cute :D And great physics with their swimming

=D haha thx

Thank you liyuchii :) Was it in terms of dialogue, or gameplay?

Thannk you so much! Glad you like the atmosphere :)

Thank you :) Yeah sorry, I forgot to specify that but I just wrote this in the description now :)

Nice ! :) how do we preceed ?

Hi everyone, I'm new to game jam and very enthousiastic :) I'm searching for a sound designer / composer for my game. I can do the visual part and the code (GameMaker), but a little help with the code part can be appreciated to ! I want to create a funny cosy game.

Let me know if you're interested ! Aria

Hello FreemanKitch2 ! I may be interested :)