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A member registered Aug 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

Great environment, a little interactivity would go a long way here.  Seems a little resource intensive, my fans were howling while playing.  Also, add a way to exit the program.

Great game Tim! Not sure why, but I'm not getting any sound.   My volume is up, I tested it elsewhere.

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I dig the concept, though I had a hard time anticipating where the ball would go, power is a bit hard to judge.    While the upward concept is unique, I didn't enjoy my ball falling down to a previous hole when I made a mistake.  

You definitely captured the feel of an old school game,  felt like I was playing Atari.  Nice job!

Fun game, great puzzle concepts.  I like how you can pick up the puzzle cubes, it really opens up some cool ideas. Music was good also, nice and relaxing.

Nice job, I like the art style.  The acceleration on the uphill was a little slow.  I think you definitely captured the cartridge concept!

Pretty clever idea and fun game, some of the challenges seem a little too difficult in the beginning.  The combination of the 2 hazards in particular.  I think there may be a memory leek there too because I got a massive slow down in that section and the projectiles started to bug out. I like the idea for the game, one button.  The character had a meatwad vibe too, haha nice job.

I was playing in Windows, there was no controller connected either so I ruled out that issue.  Seemed strange, because I only usually see that type of issue with analog controllers.  I did try restarting the game a couple of times but the issue persisted.  

I encountered some sort of bug where the player constantly runs to the left, not really playable.  

Fun game! 

Thanks for your feedback!  Definitely a good suggestion. The level design was rushed as this game was made for a gamejam and I had very little time to design the levels after completing the coding and artwork.  Thanks again!

Can I embed other peoples games, or only my own?

When you host a gamejam, can you include agreements that are enforced by entry?  For example:

"By entering this gamejam you agree to allow this content to be hosted on"

I've seen a gamejam that required you to release your source code upon entry, and I was just wondering what the legitimacy of doing something like this is.  Is it considered a written contract of sorts?  

Thanks for playing!  Yeah, currently the only way to make it easier is to switch your gun to automatic.

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I'm testing things out, and wondering how I can take something I wrote in the browser version, and load it into the android version, or is it stuck in the browser version?  I can't seem to locate the file path, I tried looking in appdata/ wasn't there.  

I was also unable to export/get from the browser version.  If I upgrade to pro, is the browser version able to use the get command?   I'm guessing not, since purchasing the pro version doesn't seem to have any link to the browser version, would be nice though.

Keep in mind that you can still rate games if you want to from the game page in the top right corner.

Interesting concept, although it feels like there isn't enough to do.  I had to keep passing my turn until I got a match, at that point there isn't much strategy in what to do, just play the matches that you have.   Maybe i'm missing something?

That being said, the artwork and music are pleasing.

Thank you! 

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Thanks for playing! I meant to go back and change the hitbox to be smaller, just didn't make the final cut. 

Just wanted to thank you for producing such great tutorials, they are concise and easy to follow.  You've definitely had a great impact on the gamemaker community and I'm sure the godot community is happy to have you as well.   This gamejam was a lot of fun, and I hope you host another one soon!

Thanks for the info.

What about the way you used ord()?  What was the work around?  

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Nice job guys, definitely has a good feel to it.  The controls are tight, and the shooting feels good.  The straw hat for a top down shooter is a clever idea, simple but still looked good.  I did prefer the standard weapon over the upgrade, mostly because of fire rate.  

EDIT: Don't forget to try and rate:  Thanks! :)

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I am the biggest gourmet!  Fun game, I like the bounciness of the characters, I also liked the pixel art of the items.  Took me a minute to figure things out, but the ending made seeing it through worth it. Nice job!

EDIT: Don't forget to try and rate:  Thanks! :)

Thank you!   Ideally it would be more balanced on that aspect.  I had some ideas to increase the difficulty but time ran out.  Making the asteroids aggro from further away and gradually getting faster over time were a couple of ideas I had.   Just didn't have time.   Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! 

After I realized this, I tried to build my game out to HTML5 in GMS2, but it would not run properly.  Not sure what is was, but something was incompatible with it.  I tried testing other projects with HTML 5 and it worked fine, so it must have been some code that didn't compute properly. 

Definitely going to be submitting in HTML5 in the future though. 

This a lot of fun!  A bit tough to get three shots on an enemy but that makes it challenging and forces you to think more.  The game-feel is excellent, definitely getting those Super Crate Box vibes.  I also like how your own bullets can wrap around and hit you, nice touch!

My first jam that I finished on my own, had a great time!  Hoping to participate in more soon, time permitting!

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Thank you, yes I wish I had more time to play test and balance it.  I added the heart-bomb in the last hour and I think it made it a bit easier.   Honestly I'm just glad I finished! :)  Thanks for playing!

Oh, the asteroids also have a 20% chance to drop jam, to make them worth shooting.  I didn't have enough time to get it all in the explanation though.