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Eyad Mahmoud

A member registered Jul 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Most, if not all, game jams recieve some terrible “games” (spam, s**t, unsafe, etc.). How should we handle these “games”, report them?

P.S: Don’t make this thread a showcase of bad “games”.

In the bottom of the main page, there are 2 videos. REMEMBER: ONLY .ZIP.

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Please Note: 

GDevelop 3D Jam rules

The Rules say that you have to upload the game as HTML game on to get rated (Some people won't download 100 MB, e.g. ME) , also upload it on

Also: It is too early, Update it till the deadline

Good Luck 👍

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Timezone.. GDevelop in France, so it's a perfect time for them (7:00PM), also, I am in Middle East (8:00 PM), HelperWesley (GDevelop's official content creator) in Canada I think (2:00 PM?)

Note that GDevelop Game Jam is an international Competition, It's normal to find the time not suitable for some countries, In any case, you can get up at your usual time, and check it out. Also, everyone will have the same period, the worse the starting time, the better the sending time (you will be able to send the game before going to sleep, unlike some countries where some people may forget to send the game because it is in the middle of the day)

Good Luck 👍

The theme will be announced on the page and the youtube channel (as a premiere) by beginning of the jam

The game is great, but it would have been perfect if the enemy had a red color on each punch (as in Minecraft) as evidence that I do not hit the air

Legendary graphics

This game is professional, the story, the narrator, great work :D

Great Game :)

The graphics are nice and the game is good :)

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The game is good, but next time can you enlarge the objects a little please :)

After experimenting.. level 2 music is not that bad

I loved how you mixed the 3D and the story together, great job :)

Bonus Level! This game is of high quality! good job :)

I want more of these ideas, great game :)

I loved the graphic

The game is good but the random traps are not very interesting

I love how you used 3D extension

I liked the idea :D


I would like to try the pineapple pizza (as someone who has never had it before)

Good :)


Great Game

(2 edits)

dude .. it shall be zip to make it as web game

edit : I  tested it by re-uploading it .. next time ask how to upload web game ( btw nice pig and monkey )

Submitting time has expired

*Sorry to anyone who couldn't upload in time, next time 😞

How do I rate games ?

You have five things to rate: fun, graphics, Originality, etc.

You can use this method for ranking:

5: WOW

4: As good as my game

3: It works 

2: Were you in a hurry?

1: N/A

Be fair and NEVER delete your game file

If you have uploaded an executable file and forgot to upload the web game, just put the liluo link in the description (or comments if you are afraid of doing something wrong)

Good luck to everyone 😉

Guys I know that (s)he musn't publish it as .exe

but really guys try his liluo game this game is very good

His/Her Liluo :

Guys I know that (s)he musn't publish it as .exe

but really guys try his liluo game this game is very good

(1 edit)


Edit: Dude, next time read the rules carefully (you should have posted it as a web game)

Do not modify it, because if you delete the EXE, you will not be able to upload any other file, not even the web version

Windows ?


Yes, that's what I mean

50$ ?

Having fun is important, but so is doing wel..

Wait, did you say Yr 8  ._.