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A member registered Jun 03, 2015 · View creator page →

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Nokoshop, perhaps? It looks great!

Excellent, thanks! :D I'm still wading through the deluge of submissions haha

Superb, I bet it'll be a good introduction to game making. Good luck with your thesis!

These are incredible ideas! I can really see them coming to life and playing them waiting for a bus.

i hope you make more pixel art, these are great.

(1 edit)

Wonderful! I love your isometric work! The menu screen is really interesting.

I love the idea of gearing up and then turning your phone to get down to business!

Ahhh the roses are PERFECT!

Incredible amounts of detail. I really feel like I'm there with the hot wind in my face!

Superb depth. So vibey!

I really enjoy the deep lore. It looks so playable!

Wow, I'm glad you did! Wonderful flow of lines!

Secret entries - I forgot to upload these into my main submission. Goth Girl dating simulator and Famicase Viewer.

Incredible texture and detail, really well rendered!

This is really selling the time period!

Thanks for your entry, Bat! The rules say "family friendly" - but it'd be funny to include your art with censorship stars like in the old magazines. I'll think on it. Wonderful line work as usual.

Wow, it looks so playable!

I bet it would control really well with the number pad!

The mixed dither and line styles really sell this as unique and punchy.

Beautifully detailed. You've really captured the action.

Could you also provide a png version please? No major rush.

Incredible! I LOVE the idea of making your own fidget cube. The concept has my fingers twitching. I'm really impressed with the level of detail you've dived into.

Wonderfully readable. You really know your way around a 1bit title!

Wonderful. A really nice use of the black background. Thanks for your submission!

That farming simulator is PACKED with character!

Beautiful simplicity! Could you also post the 1:1 original scale png? Cheers!

haha it wasn't built for image submissions. Your image post above is fine to be submitted into the jam, but it won't be publically ratable. This doesn't really matter, everything is fine.

Cool! I saw it on Insta too. Unfortunately you need to submit the project as a """game""" to properly enter it. I'll ask around for next time for an easier way to submit images.

The coin-shaped talisman is a secret 👀

Thank you, what a wonderful comment :)

Thank you! It was created with GB Studio, yes! The artwork was made in paint dot net and aseprite.

(1 edit)

Nope, that's fine! Add as many as you'd like up until the deadline. You can keep adding more after the deadline, but it's unlikely I'll see them when I collect up the images.

Omg I LOVE this idea! What a great concept

1:1 sized png files in #000000 and #FFFFFF plus previews is the ideal format, thanks! The previews help seeing it all at a glance.

Thanks Tras. Confirmed.

wow, lots of great thought went into this. I love your UI and your animation is really smooth on your animated piece.

(3 edits)

it's "create new project" and then you follow the options which best describe your entry. Assets to upload, custom noun is art, etc etc

If you don't want to display it on your page, you can go to your user page, edit the page and scroll down through your projects and uncheck ones you want to hide.

Or you can submit on the submissions thread if you're not interested in entering for ratings.

Probably if you wanted to rate them separately, but you can just bundle them all together.

Any game mockup is welcome and encouraged. 

The multiple submissions may be related.

You should submit it to the next Nokia Game Jam, it'll be better received and have more player attention over there.

In order to keep the art jam ratings correct I'll be removing anything which doesn't match the submission criteria. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but please don't create more moderation work, thanks!

Thanks! Please submit this to the submissions thread so I can keep them all in one place.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'd love to return to this one day. The story generation was a lot of fun to make and it was nice to have consistent stories.