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A member registered Apr 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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Dear comrades, we give you a sincere salutation and welcome to the first edition of the Queer Communist Game Jam, organized from CUBA to the WORLD. We invite all independent video game developers to collaborate with the intention of elaborating an almost non-existent record/archive of this kind; communist queer-themed games. We want to give visibility to those minorities and people hidden in their caves that could feel identified with a space like this. We will embrace and support you in every way our society allows us to. The Game Jam will be available from June 28th (International LGBT Pride Day) until November 7th (Great October Socialist Revolution).

Anyone, from anywhere. You can work alone or with a team. There are two clear themes: Queer and Communism. The way to develop it will depend on your creativity. It is open to any game engine, software, tools, styles, genres, if it is linked to the main slogans, but web game is recommended as it is playable by everyone. We emphasize the importance of exploring activismresistancelove, and empowerment

The following categories are not mandatory, but we think it will be quite fun to further implement the challenge. We have two: Sharing and Love. You can either not use them in your entries, or you can use only one, or you can use both together. How creative can you get in developing a queer communist game about sharing love. We are excited comrades!

This is something challenging and new. It doenst matter if your straight or capitalist, this is just a theme almost never explore in videogames. Lets create something interesting :)


All kind of communications will be through our official Discord Server and Community from the Game Jam. Process and works will be promoting also on our social medias: X (ex-Twitter) and Instagram. If you have any question the best way to obtain your answers is through Discord.

From what I've been able to read if the jam lasts more than 2 months it probably won't appear on the calendar because it takes up space. And also the mods have to review it before and approve it. Has your game jam been released yet?

how long does it take to approved it? i'm concerned about the one im hosting because its a longer game jam... from june 28th to november 5th :"u

I want to play it!!!