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A member registered Feb 26, 2013 · View creator page →

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PayPal payouts are being processed normally on our end. The error message is clearly in regards to your account. You will have to try to escalate the ticket on PayPal to someone who is familiar with Mass Payouts so that they can help you.

Admin (1 edit)

Where did you get that IP address?


interesting find, thanks for the report

Admin (1 edit)

We ask that you don’t republish other people’s work unless you are the owner. Even if it’s something that is freely available. We intend to be a platform for creators to distribute their work, not a place for people to upload mirrors of freely available software.

Is this just a mirror of the original game or have you made meaningful additions and changes to the original software?

Admin (1 edit)

That error message comes directly from PayPal and it blocks us from sending money to your account. You can try contacting PayPal support with that error message to see if they can assist you any further. If that doesn’t work you can try setting up a Payoneer account to collect the payout.


This is perfectly normal, it means that you have established connection with the sever over HTTP and it’s instructing you to connect via HTTPS


Thank you, this helps


Closing thread, page appears to be indexed with no issues.

Admin (5 edits)

We are not blocking any countries from access to our servers. Yesterday we had an outage due to a networking issue that resulted in our host transferring our primary server to a new IP. The updated DNS settings may take time to propagate.

First you’ll want to verify that your requests are going to the IP to access

Next, if you have access to curl you could run something like curl -v to see where the failure might be happening. Thanks we have enough examples

Edit: Thanks for showing the curl output, next if possible, could you share the output of traceroute or similar command like this user has done: Note that this command may expose your IP address, so feel free to redact it from the output before pasting it into the site.


It looks like your account was created 4 hours ago. Do you have another account where you experienced this issue?


We had some downtime today. All services should be restored now. If you had trouble uploading please try again.


Pinned ReplyAdmin (2 edits)

We recently deployed a new search backend and we’ve added the ability to filter a search result page by the project type, including game assets.

More updates for searching are planned, but hopefully this change helps you find what you’re looking for.


Well you’re in luck as we just launched a new search engine that supports finding jams!


Page at URL looks deleted. Closing this thread.


The platform doesn’t look at your tax information, we use a third party system to collect and verify information. Their verification is final, if you don’t get your information validated by them the you can not receive payments from us. All we know is if your information is validated or not, we don’t see the specifics. If there’s something about your information that was rejected then you’re welcome to try again, as our support team will likely advise you.


There are some circumstances that may cause our tax provider to reach out to you to collect more information about verifying your identity. Based on what you described, that seems to be the case. From our end, your data is still incomplete, therefore no payouts can be processed.

Pinned ReplyAdmin

Going to close this thread since the issue appears to be resolved and I don’t want other people trying to post with their own problems.

Essentially, we have an automated scanner that may quarantine your pages for human review if something about how you use or access the site triggers the detection. You will have to wait for a human to review the page.



I recalculated the results for the jam for you. Try looking again.

Admin (1 edit)

Are you trying to search for a jam by title or something else? The autocomplete search bar is currently the only way to find a jam by its name (other than say, searching on a separate search engine like google)

Edit: Full search for jams by title is now available


It’s a problem with the seller’s account, but if you contact support they can forward the message to the seller.


Stop mass creating fake accounts or your primary account will be permanently banned and your entire activity will be deleted.

Pinned ReplyAdmin (1 edit)

You’re going to have to wait until we complete a review of the account and payments. Telling people to post here is not necessary.

I’m going to close this thread as it has gone off topic. The forum here is for asking and answering questions from the community, not making appeals to the team.



Which project page are you attempting to buy? This kind of error generally only appears when the seller is using Direct Payments, so it’s related to how their account is connected, and if their account is still active.


You can try enabling Shared Array Buffer support, it will add some headers that may allow you to access more browser APIs:

Admin (1 edit)

If you downloaded them from your browser, than you can’t import them. If you had an game installation directory from a previous app install, then you should be able to add that folder as a game install location and it will be able to pull in the installed games.


Looks like this ticket was processed. Closing this thread as it fails to follow the rules of the board.


I don’t see any issues with your page’s indexing status at this time.

Generally browser based games may be considered lower risk since they run in your browser’s sandbox, so they are less likely to be flagged for manual review, but there are many factors that can cause a page to be marked for review.

Pinned ReplyAdmin (2 edits)

I don’t see any outstanding payouts on your account. I do see we did reach out to you about 20 days ago regarding your tax information expiring. Payouts can not be processed until your tax information is up-to-date and validated. You can view that status here:

Admin (1 edit)

Does this affect every single game or just some of them? Are you able to open a browser console and see if there are any error messages?

What browser are you using? Does it say “External” next to the file you are trying to download?

Admin (1 edit)

I don’t see any issues with your page’s visibility.

Keep in mind that the longer your title is, the less relevance of a match it will have for a partial title match, as title search matching is done against the entire title you provide. I see your page has two different titles in the title field.


There is no latex rendering support in any of the pages we display. You would have to convert it to an image ahead of time if you want to display formatted math equations.