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It wont launch

I extracted it and all that.. It wont launch. Please help

From what you describe, the problem might be If you are using mac/lunix then the program might not work for you. Also its possible your antivirus might be blocking it. If you need more help, join the support discord here.

The planned features of autonomy, do you believe you'll be able to make a complete robust ai that can learn all that? Also will memory be limited by gpt api limits or will it be limited by the program? as in the ai capacity to remember and adapt old information.


I am confident that it is possible to give the ai full autonomy, it will just take time. As for memory, short term is limited by api limits, long term selective memory is not limited and should be able to recall endless data. Although long term is still a work in progress.

Will there be a version where you don't need an Azure key? Will there be an analog?

Yes I can make it so in the next update, if you disable the voice settings it can run without an azure key, but you will still need a GPT key. I'm not sure what you mean by an analog though.

To run on the graphics core of the video card. I was recently looking and saw a library that allows you to do this.

Ah ok, ill look into it.

to be honest, i got catched by the preview pictures so i'm currently more interested into your desktop background picture, as i prefer seeing ai in action than using myself (like watching vedal XD)...


haha, yeah vedal and neuro are great! For the desktop, its rem/ram with wallpaper engine on steam, here is the link to it.