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(1 edit)

How do I import images onto the list? I can't seem to figure it out, even though im getting images from that e621 website. Am I doing something wrong? I'm also on android, and I'm new to this app so if I may be a bit slow in doing instructions then that's why.

(1 edit)

the rotation for my toy doesn't seem to be working, only the vibrating option seems to do anything

Initiface version 2.5.6

 Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1

This error code repeats in the Initiface Central App many times:

Got invalid messages from remote Buttplug connection - Message: Text("I"RotateCmd|":(|"Id|":97,\"Devicelndex|":1,|"Rotations|":[{"Index|":0,|"Speed|":0.40327319493389646}]}}]") - Error: JsonSerializerError ("Error during JSON Schema Validation - Message: [{"RotateCmd|":{|"DeviceIndex|":1,|"Id|" :97, "Rotations|":[|"Index|":0,|"Speed|":0.40327319493389646}]}}] - Error: [ValidationError { instance: Array [Object {|"RotateCmd|": Object {I"Devicelndex|": Number(1), \"Idl":

Number(97), \"Rotations|": Array [Object {l"Index|": Number(O), |"Speed\": Number(0.40327319493389646)}]}}], kind: AnyOf, instance_path: JSONPointer ([]), schema_path: JSONPointer ([Keyword (\"anyOf\")]) }]")

How can i blacklist two specific tags together while keeping others? I want to blacklist images that have the tags solo AND male in it but still okay to see either male or solo tag in images?

put - before tags in the search

don't think that's what he's asking. he's basically asking for syntax like `-(solo AND male)` instead of just `-solo -male`. which is not possible afaik

not supported in e621 afaik. i don't know about any plans from the dev to implement that client side. but if that's the only instance where you need the AND, i think there's a "male_focus" tag that might fit? your best bet is just to look for these existing "compound" tags and use those.

(1 edit)

Just wanted to stop by and say how much I love this project, and that I'm looking forward to the v2 you've mentioned.

(1 edit)

Idk how to add your local gif its not very clear on how todo that


Same as any type of local image, under the "local" option, "select folder..." that contains the gifs.
What's causing problems?

How does the e621 search picture work? I haven't been able to figure it out.


holy shit, you actually implemented the thing i mentioned about showing image even in stop phase. and so many new options. toy support. goddamnit, man. you're killing it with these changes. great fucking job. i didn't keep up with this "game" for a long time because usually most degen stuff gets abandoned lol. ggwp.


I'm a lady with standards, not quite happy leaving stuff half assed.

Degens like you and other cool people showing huge interest made it worth keeping working on it, so there we are. Still going.

you should add a way to have webm and not just pic and gifs


Read reply to comment below.

hey, i love this! i mostly use it in slideshow and gotta say, its amazing!
you probably get this a lot but, is there a possibility of making this for other sites? (for exemple: rule34. where its the same thig but with r34)
it would truly be amazing. please


No more features, only bug fixes.
I'm working on a new version, takes time. And unfortunately your girl's been working on recovering from her issues first.
I've got to catch up on art work first, will resume working on this soon after. Hopefully in a couple weeks.


take as long as it takes, your well being comes before fun side project. i hope you have a good day!

Love the game! When clicking 'view post in e621,' could you add on the search query to the url? Because especially when you see a comic or something, you often want to go to the next image chronologically in what you are searching. For example, instead of sending me to:

Send me to



I don't see how this is helpful: I imagine you are stumbling upon the comic page in question while searching for regular tags. Hitting next on e6 for that search query will more than likely not show the next page of the comic.
Your description sounds more like pools, which are automatically shown if the image belongs to one. Most comics are in a pool for that reason: browsing pages in order.
If you need to elaborate, please talk about it on the Discord.

love the game tho

 You should a more Lucario pictures and Lucario talking hope you got what I mean.

Quick question. Will the local pictures feature ever come to mobile?

Someone came close, but couldn't make it work outside of their APK build from their machine. Won't be a thing unless someone can make it work and I'm able to build it.

Deleted post

I don't know what you mean by "more than one screens". Either way I'm working on v2 and not taking suggestions. They are likely to become irrelevant for the most part.

(2 edits)

Gold, But one problem, when i try to search images with "E621 search" it says "Network error, check your internet connection" but i have internet.
Also i have an idea, add some tasks like "massage balls" and such.

"E621 search" works for me. Contact me on Discord for proper troubleshooting.
And check out modding stuff on Discord to get what you want.


Turns out the problem was e621 being blocked in the user's location.
To anyone reading, if you are unable to access e621 in your browser, then it won't work in Heat Control either.

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