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amazing game would recommend

And here is my very late Christmas present for you: 


I recently managed to win the game in Euclid (Medium) difficulty level. Looks like the hardest thing is surviving the first 3-4 waves in order to kickstart Production (Refine Duplication and Crystal Fractalization are probably among the first upgrades that you should get). In this way you get stabler sources of money and the game starts being manageable, but you must always be on your toes, because a small distraction could be fatal.

I wanted to achieve Military Might and Basic Weapons also in Euclid mode, and I did - but unfortunately, the game has no way to track this if you already got Military Might and Basic Weapons in Safe mode. So I'm not even sure if I really got Military Might and Basic Weapons in Euclid mode, because it's unfortunately very easy to click the wrong button by mistake (it happened e.g. when I tried to achieve Sacrifice in Easy mode: at the end of the game, I was not awarded it, probably I clicked Retreat once by mistake, maybe I clicked it instead of the scrollbar).

What is the hardest between Military Might and Basic Weapons? Hard to say, both have their pros and cons. In Basic Weapons, it's good to focus on genetics because you don't have to upgrade every single type of military unit, you just crank Aggression and Endurance; on the other hand, I really miss some tactical military units, especially shields and snipers. In Military Might, the good thing is that you can completely forget about Essence and Genes, so you can pump up crystals and cores like there is no tomorrow; on the other hand... well, duh, no big beasts, you'll have to sacrifice units more often. So, in the end, I'd say Military Might is a bit harder than Basic Weapons: what do you think?  

Speaking of milirary units, some things that still bug me:

  • it's hard to balance the relative speed of the various military units, and for some units, you can't increase the HP without also increasing the speed  (and for some of them, you can't even increase the speed). So, sometimes you end up splitting your army too much, which leads to complete failure.
  • Shotguns. I never used them, because they seem to suck, or I suck at using them. I'm curious: do other players use them effectively? if yes, how?     

I still hope developers will show up again some day ... meanwhile, Merry Christmas everyone!

add gore

There is one bug i would like to report. Whenever i open the research menu and close it after having served it's purpose, the little spinning wheel in the top left corner of the menu will sometimes not go up all the way and get stuck at the top of the screen, making it to where i can't even play the game properly unless i refresh the tab entirely.

Since I always die in Medium/Euclid mode, I did other intermediate challenges, in Easy/Safe mode.

So, after the "Basic Weapons" achivement, I got "Military Might", "Truly Optimized" and "Life Matters".

Since I gave you too many unsolicited suggestions... here are some OTHER suggestions!

  • add a gory death animation for the Blood God.
  • show an epilogue. It does not need to be animated, maybe just crawling text that tells us what happens after the defeat of the Blood God. Is the Red Pool still there? Does it still spawn monsters? (if not, the O5 may be disappointed, since they wanted those pink candies so hard). Will the player be promoted? But "promoted" in a world of monsters is not always good news: add some ominous reference to a next assignment, so you have a sequel hook. This is SCP, even the happy ending should be a bit CREEPY...
  • at the end, show the Achievements I got in this game (distinguishing the new ones from "the ones that I already have but that I nevertheless achieved AGAIN in this game"). Otherwise, to know what I got, I have to remember the Achivemenent screen "before" the game and compare with the current one, it's annoying (e.g. in my case, I don't know with which game I got "Life Matters", I suppose it was the same where I got "Truly Optimized", but I can't know for sure). Show congratulations if I get Achievements, even if I lose: funny enough, I think I got the "Millionaire" and "Well Respected" achivements in a game I lost!
  • The epilogue may be different according to the difficulty level and/or the way the game ended (the Achivements themselves?). What if the "Military Might" leads to a more militarized Foundation? On the other hand, who knows what effects a heavy focus on Genetics can have on the SCP universe? 
  • (maybe this is too much...) when the player gets an Achivement, you may give them some kind of bonus that they can spend in another game. The bonus may be given only the first time you get the Achivement, or every time (or it may be a lesser bonus for the second time and after).
(2 edits)

O devs where are you? the last time they commented, it was two weeks ago...

Some questions about the Icefang (the ice tiger, aka SCP-354-15):

  • according to SCP lore, the Icefang is "agile enough to dodge most gunfire". Anyway, in the game, I took it down with a Sharpshooter. For me, it's very convenient (since, on the contrary, the Magmatooth is canonically bulletproof), but is this by design? (maybe in-universe this unit is a so good sniper that the tiger does not see it coming?)
  • according to SCP lore, the Icefang lost to the Magmatooth, so it's vulnerable to heat. And in game, it is, in fact I can take it down with a Magmatooth or flamethrowers. Anyway, it looks like it's immune to ground fires: it blinks red when it passes or stops on ground fires, but apparently it does not take damage! Is this by design? (Note that luckily for me, the Magmatooth takes damage from the ground fires). 

Some other remarks:

  • When I order the Retreat during a battle, sometimes my units (humans or monsters) turn around and... they continue performing the attack animation, but in the wrong direction, i.e. towards the other retreating units. I don't think they are really attacking their own friends, but it's confusing. And it's not just a visual thing: units that waste time attacking air are not retreating and so are more vulnerable.
  • most bulletproof monsters, with the notable exception of bears, still recoil when hit by a Sharpshooter (of course they don't take damage), but at the same time, they don't budge under a shower of 12 level-3-empowered machine guns... is this by design? It is not just a visual thing: the recoil temporarily stops them, if just for a seconds, but that second can be precious.
  • about machine guns: the Research menu and its descriptions say "Gattling" all over the place, but the Personnel entry for Blitzstorm units correctly says "Gatling" (except maybe in this universe Richard Jordan Gatling was named Gattling instead!) 

hello I was wondering if you could make it to where you could station guards on the door as so you have a little more defense like you could buy machine Gunners and put them on a tower or something

(1 edit)

I don't know if a turret would help... it would maybe give us some breath in the early game, but by the time you get machine guns, the most dangerous monsters are bulletproof (and anyway, wouldn't the monsters attack the turret instead? especially the flying ones and the ones with a ranged attack?).

By the way, a problem that bothers me is covering the retreat, especially when the enemy has fast monsters, e.g. the Icefang and Magmatooth (the tigers).

I order the retreat when I think it's the best, and according to Murphy's law, the enemy spawns a Magmatooth that wipes away the slowest retreating units. For this prupose, I sometimes tried to sacrifice a fast Scarlet Wing: but it's very weak and the time gained is not so much... and even a  "cheap" Scarlet Wing still costs a gene...

A similar "scaled down" situation occurs in the early game, if the enemy spawns a Scarlet Wing that bites my back during the retreat. And at the beginning, when I'm struggling to survive, I don't have genetics and so I can't spawn Scarlet Wings or any other fast unit.

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