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(1 edit)

Hi! I just played your game and I think it is fantastic! Are you planning on adding more to the game later? I would love to see more variety and some possible changes. I am posting my review on youtube sheanstanks. I had some suggestions for the game. I would love to see some future updates! knowing that you plan to add more features encourages me to donate for the project! :) Amazing game!

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I was amazed that anyone outside of my class had seen the game, let alone made a video on it. After taking the holidays off, I'm excited to get back into it. What kind of suggestions do you have?

hahaha I love the game idea! I think you should keep going with what you originally said you would improve: enemy variety, trap variety, etc. I think the trap segments are kind of long and they should perhaps be separate from the monster rooms? I’m not sure what you think of that but it adds a freshness to each room and it keeps the gameplay rolling. Esc should not close the game hahahah this ruined a couple runs. I didn’t know that squib meant it was a garbage spell. I thought it was interesting but ultimately I would default to wizard because the difference between the mage and the physical characters was power ups vs skills, it’s possible I just didn’t get very far though with the physical characters.

Agreed. The game is amazing. Love the concept. It is very dynamic! Looking forward new features!