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Love the graphics and first-person-ness, would love an update to the game since I got engrossed.
Nicely done!


thank you! I'm definitely looking at using this as a framework for more games moving forward :) glad you enjoyed!

¿final verison?


Nice one! :)

Thank you!


Ohh, this game is soo cool! It's really emerging and I love the story. I was a bit struggeling to orientate myself at first, because I couldn't read the map that well. My location in the room became clear to me when I discovered the dark screen seperating the sleeping area from the rest of the apartement. So maybe there could be a little dot or an arrow on the map to indicate where you are, but maybe that would also make it a bit too easy. Over all a really great game though. And I kind of whish I had a real gameboy to play it on!

Glad you had fun! Good idea with the map marker, just updated to add a dot to show the player's location. Thanks for playing! :)