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If the red bar on the top left is the health bar, you can drag it down with the mouse and when you move left it also depletes


it might just be me but the web thing isnt working

Same for me

Thanks for letting me know! I've had some issues in the past getting WebGL builds to work with itch. I'll investigate — for now feel free to download the correct version for your OS

How do i play on Chromebook? i downloaded the thing but then what?

I believe you run the build.x86_64 file. More infor here: dynamic linking - How do I run a game with a .x86 extension - Ask Ubuntu

This game looks awesome!! But I'm wondering, which file should I run to play it? (I have the Linux release)

I believe you run the build.x86_64 file. More info here: dynamic linking - How do I run a game with a .x86 extension - Ask Ubuntu

Thanks! I just had to make the file executable, and now it runs perfectly

How do I hunt?

By using the attack button when near prey!

Also, will there ever be an update to play as a warrior?

Probably not for Apprenticeship since that would mean the title would have to change, haha. But if there's enough interest, I might make a fuller game out of this!

This is a really great game on its own, by the way. Life as a warrior isn't necessary, though it would be pretty cool. Are you still working on it, or are you done with it? Just out of curiosity.

I am officially finished updating the game, thanks for asking.

I'm having a bug that whenever I start a new game, my player character is frozen, and I can't move.

Thanks so much for letting me know! I will look into this.

Would you mind letting me know which build and version you're using? I haven't been able to recreate this bug. If you're on 1.0, try downloading 1.01 and running that instead.

I managed to fix it though. Not sure which version I'm playing on, but a way to fix it is to save, and then completely close the game, before going bac. Also, it only happens when I make a new game, and then only sometimes.

I'm glad you were able to find a workaround! I will keep investigating this and hopefully have a solution soon.

Amazing game! Can't wait for more updates!

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!