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Yeah this game is really too easy.
Building slows down time so I was able to build a power generator on each spot at the beginning of the game and then I had power to build as the enemy ships came in.

I built one blaster and one sentry on each spot and just continued to do so until I had enough energy coming in to build an extra power generator as I went on.

I then built a missile on each one.

And then removed the blaster and added a lazer on each one.

And then I removed the second power generator and built an extra missile launcher on each one.

I took no damage until a big blue ship was able to fire a -100 damage missile and then I built shields all over the planet.

As what others are saying. Yes a very easy game atm.

I'm currently working on it. Soon I'll launch a update. Thanks for the feedback!

If you get a lot of energy up front, it's not hard to max out with missiles and shields, not much else to do.  But a fun quick play!

I'll take a look. Thanks for the feedback!

With not much defense, the first waves come too soon and are too strong.

By sacrificing some planet health, it's easy to set up basic defense. Once that is present, it's easy to put up all 12 shields and build the 60 missiles. At that point, there is nothing more to do. Pretty unbalanced.

Why don't the shields regenerate (they only regenerate after being completely down, they should regenerate over time without the need to first fail completely).

My suggestions:

* Cheaper weapons at the start

* Different shield tiers (lower tiers much cheaper but easier to break)

* Shields could use planet's energy to regenerate

* weaker and fewer enemies at start, later waves can be more powerful

* Add the missing wave counter

* Hotkeys to select buildings, current UI design forces tedious mouse movement back and forth.

Interesting suggestions. I will take them into account for a future update. Thanks for the feedback and for playing it!

Really nice and well balanced!

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!