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can you post downloadable files to the game?

because then i can see how it works and it might be easier to find bugs and/or let you know how to make code easier/simpler to understand

I will do that, as i'm about to give the game an update.

The Old Update Is Now Downloadable.

by the way, what programming languages do you know? i dont know any but i have a code editor but no game engine.

alright, cool. I know C# in terminal and Unity.

If you didn't know, terminal is where you, for example,  write a line of code that will write that line on a window called a terminal.

How do i get a terminal?

also sorry for the late reply you replied at like 2 am in my time zone

i cant remember, but this video will probably help:

cool gaem


(WARNING) Save progress currently does not work. I will notify you when it does.

The save feature now works but only to an extent. Try to keep the game open because when you either refresh the page or fully exit the game the save may not work. Other than that the save is almost done.

(1 edit)

Basically instead of exiting the game just hit the pause button.