Day 1 of Goedware Game Jam

So it has been a bit more than 12 hours since I started working on this project, and here's I'll share all the initial problems(Godot user). 

First of all was a bug in autoloading my player scene, which led to having 2 players at the same time, and one was constantly glitching. While not knowing the cause simply removing the scene from autoload would fix it. Further investigation may be made.

The other issue was tilesets. While many tilesets are made in a specific size(16 by 16 pixels etc.) Sometimes they include other assets or small spritesheets in the same file, which may not share the same size. For these usually enabling region which helps omit all the other assets you don't want to see and show what you want to edit. While this isn't a major issue it can slow down production for just a bit.

Next was enemy AI. Given my attempts to make enemy AI have not been successful, I decided to simply make a walking enemy that stick to their platforms as they walk left and right across it. No attack animations, just simply you-collide-you die. While it was a bit hard to mess with the raycasts as sometimes they didn't register and I had to put them in exagerated areas, all in all the enemy worked fine. The only kicker that I have yet to solve is that the enemy hitbox doesn't seem to collide with the player hurtbox. 

Finally was the scene transition. I plan to use a door as a place to change scene. At first I wanted the condition that if player presses up while entering the door's area, the player will fade to black and we change scene. But due to my lack of proficiency with GDScript I stuck to simply collide-and-change. That will be altered on a future date during polishing.

So that's the major errors and fixes on day 1. I'm not sure if I have to do this daily but when I tackle the project next time I'll fix the enemy hitbox issue and work on the next level, which will start introducing mechanics to fit the game jam theme. See you next time.


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