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[Audio] Composer looking to team up to make memorable game music!

A topic by melodyyshine created 36 days ago Views: 343 Replies: 10
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Hello! I am Melody, a music composer  leaning more towards orchestration/period music/lofi/jazz compositions. I have worked on game music but it didn't shipped well.

Looking to creatively get involved with a game project may or may not be looking for payment just depends on what is needed!

All my work can be found here!

I specialize in:

  • Music Composition
  • Musical Orchestration
  • Music Production
  • Sound Mixing

My expectations is that music is my passion. Nothing excites me more than working with diverse scenarios, creating as many varied pieces as possible, and bringing scenes to life! I hope to meet talented peeps to work with and ship the game well!

If interested, reply here or add me on discord: melodyyshine


I sent you a friend request on Discord. My discord is melike6743


I am sorry your last game did not work out. I am proud of you for trying again. :)

  I am trying to put together a team for the preggo game jam. It would be amazing if the game had a fun and unique sound. The details for the game are on the jam's community page. Let me know if you are interested.

Thank you - I appreciate your encouragement! It does help brighten someone’s day :)

Also, do you mind to link the game jam here? I am interested to check it out! Thank youuu!


I’m interested to team up! Do let me know what shall I do next 😊


That is fantastic. I am waiting to hear back from a few other people (artists and programmers). You are the first person to join the team. I will get back to you soon. For now just hang tight. I am excited to work with you.


I have an update. Things are not going well. :( I have not given up hope yet, but finding people to wok on a game is harder than I thought it would be.

whoops, i hope things goes well soon - don’t give up!


I found a third person. I do wish we had more, but we don't have forever. Lets do our best.

I made a Dischord server for us.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey! Your music is so evocative! My team and I are working on a tactics roguelike rpg that takes place in a magical underground cave forest. We're a small team of 4 (character artist, designer/programmer, storywriter, and sound designer) and we made a small game for a one-week jam that we want to complete and publish on Steam. You can find it here. We're looking for someone who can make orchestral tracks with a medieval fantasy setting. We're not offering any compensation, but I would love to talk more if you're interested!
Feel free to add me on Discord: balt_