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Captured Canyon: An Escaped Chasm Parody

A Parody Hack of Escaped Chasm. Not affiliated with Temmie Chang. · By kwatar

how did you even manage to mod the game

A topic by missy misae mclemming created Feb 04, 2024 Views: 68 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

I wanna do something with the original game but i straight up can't cause while I unencrypted everything the goddamn "failed to load iconset.png" error pops up everytime I tried to load into the game from the rpg maker mv project I made


Hello! So, I think when Temmie Change compiled Escaped Chasm, she hit a box that removed all unused files from the compiled game. As a result, a lot of core RPG Maker files that she just doesn't use aren't included in the game. 

For iconset.png, you can circumvent the problem by just putting a blank .png file with the missing file name in the img/system file of the project. So in my hack, I did it like this:


It may say that it can't find any other files as well. Just continue to put blank files wherever it says that something is missing. If you want, you can even download my hack, Captured Canyon, and just steal the blank files I used and put them into your hack if that helps. 

Hope this is useful, and good luck with your project!

(1 edit)

problem is, even with the blank files from your hack it still brings up that error, something about folder name bullshit or some stuff is what people have been saying along the parts of that, I quite literally don't know what I'm doing wrong here, I decompiled the files for the images and sounds and everything and and just refuses to load, is it because I'm using the non custom icon ver or... is that totally unrelated