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Destimonium: the Story of Nevermore

Action RPG with multiple dungeons and fast-paced souls-like gameplay · By Chillback Digital


A topic by Fictium Sound Design created Nov 20, 2023 Views: 61 Replies: 2
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(1 edit)


I just tested your game and I think it's promising. First, it seems more geared towards Fantasy than Dark Fantasy, am I correct? Because if it's not I'd say that the skeleton SFX sounds a bit corky, however the others sound fine to me. 

The music loop feels to be a bit too repetitive to me as well, it would certainly help that it would be longer and with more modulations or differences in its structure and form.

The tab button with the target command is a bit clunky as well, it would be interesting to install a mechanic to change target by moving the mouse sideways for instance.

Also, the frame rate if being laggy in my pc (and it's high performance). Something needs to be fixed in there as well.

About me: I'm a Fantasy RPG music composer and sound designer and I really enjoy finding out new games about this genre. 

Hope the feedback is useful!


You are right about the music. I lost the audio when my network drive crashed and that is one of the things that will be updated soon. My plan is to make the music ramp up when enemies appear but i am still looking into that.

I am also looking into Optimizing, I notice the game would lag at the beginning and near the middle of the game. i added some tweaks to the next build but i still have some work to do on that

Thank you for the feedback. I will keep all of this into Consideration while I am working on the next set of updates.

Cool if you want I can give you further feedback with the audio part as that's my specialty! Keep grinding!