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"There Was a Problem During a Setup: Timed Out While Connecting To Butlerd"

A topic by killkill101 created Apr 22, 2022 Views: 1,379 Replies: 4
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I'n trying to conect but the program give me this error:

Then i try to download the Program to execute normally and works, but the next day gives this error again and again, i make this Many Times but change nothing: Always comes back this error

I use Windows Defender as antivirus

Same error, I guess the problem is an update. I have Windows defender too but it´s disabled.


As the dialog says, you have some kind of security software on your computer that is interfering with the ability for the app to function as normal. Since people’s computers can be wildly different regarding the kinds of software and settings they might have, we can’t really offer any more advice than that.


The following worked for me: quit itch app, open task manager, look for any remaining background processes with itch in the name and kill them. Restart itch app.


thanks man this really helped