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A member registered Jan 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you 👍

Hello! There would be any issue with changing the name of our game? We would like to change The Unchosen Flare to The Golden Flare

Yes of course you can use it! These are free to use in any kind of projects.

If it's for your own use, of course you can.

This is amazing, I admire your work! I can also notice a big improvement in your art with this asset. Great job! 👏

It looks beautiful! Nice work!

Thank you Anwynn! I'm glad that you liked it!

Thanks BeeMan! I just updated the set with some new icons for fishing. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.

(7 edits)

This is a retro-style fantasy icon set inspired by the 16-bit era and classic JRPGs. It's optimized for RPG Maker and can be used on any engine.

I'm relatively new to this world of game development, so this is my first commercial asset. I spent many hours of my limited free time practicing, trying to achieve a decent quality of pixel-art. My intention is to keep practicing to improve, and with a bit of luck maybe one day this can be my day job.

Any kind of feedback is welcome.

Download link:

If you're interested in this asset but can't spend $3 right now, don't worry, you can download the free version of 280+ icons here:

I hope you can find it useful!

You can use it in commercial projects. Reselling the assets means you make profit directly from the asset, not from your game.

Thank you mooglerampage! I will create more asset packs as soon as I can.

Oh thank you so much!