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A member registered Dec 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello! I'm developing a game using some of your particles! Thank you for making this and check it out if you like. (Demo will be released soon)

Super Cursor on Steam (wishlist if you want!) 

Hello! I'm developing a game using your asset! Thank you for making this and check it out if you like. (Demo will be released soon)

Super Cursor on Steam 


Can I use Premade assets?

Actually one of the more fun games. I got to day 20 before I lost. I really like the clay art style as well!

Cool concept but gameplay is hard to get the hang of. Great job!

Great game had fun!

Cool art and simple gameplay, although I don't think it would be a good idea to give kids axes.

Fun little game that's simple and easy to get a hold of. Enjoyed it!

V2.0 Includes an aiming indicator!

He got tired of their shenanigans.

Nice game with creative mechanics. I like the idea of settings up bouncers to hit the anvil. 

Nice platformer with satisfying visuals and audios. Well put together!

Cool art and nice concept. However, I feel like you should make the jumping more powerful. Need to spam a lot to get higher up.

Nice graphics and fun, however, could use optimizing as it was very GPU intensive.

Cool concept but I found the hitbox on Santa to be too big. Also after the first run, none of the houses highlighted for me, so I was just in limbo after killing the enemies.

Very nice graphics and smooth animations. Probably the best graphics I've seen so far. Although I did glitch out the game sometimes by giving the presents too early to the elf and he just stood there lol. 

Very creative and nice story. I get an Undertale type vibe from the art style as well. Well made!

Cool concept but was a bit confused and lost on certain spots. My character would sometimes live when health was under 0 and would get bunch of red flashes and get tossed around. I like the shooting mechanic but it is a bit dark.

Hey fun concept and great graphics. I noticed you also used Unreal Engine for your game. The game seemed to be quite GPU intensive although I have a low-tier gtx 1660 super. I also noticed you packaged the game in development so I was able to use the console by pressing the tilde (~) key. If anyone is lagging in the game you can lower these settings and get considerable fps boost with minimal graphical change (may be bit dark).

enter these separately after opening the console (by pressing (~)). 
sg.GlobalIlluminationQuality 0
sg.ShadowQuality 0
sg.AntiAliasingQuality 0

I had it so it would drop straight down at first but realized it was harder to see the destruction and the cars wouldn't get launched to oblivion unless hit at an angle. Thanks for the feedback, I realized the aiming is quite hard at first.

Very satisfying.

Cool and simple concept, had fun playing.

Fun and cool intro! Gameplay is creative and like how the anvil can bounce and hit other enemies. Great audio as well! 

Fun and visually appealing game. Although the wait times between moves were kind of slow. Audio was also great!

Cool art style and gameplay. Although I did notice some black dots in some of the animations. Don't know if that was intended or not, other than that it was great!

Nice art style and fun sound design. Wish there was control of the sleigh however.

Fun, love the old tv retro style, would be cool to have more power ups.

Interesting, waiting for what happens next!

Short but fun and creative way of using the special object. Great game!

Fun and cool idea of different endings. Got the good ending first try!

Got to level 13 then died :(

Thanks for playing! Aiming is difficult to get the hang of at first but gets easier the more you play. Also yea was getting burnt out so I didn't put any effort into the sleigh lol.