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A member registered Oct 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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It's a shame you didn't get to finish the gameplay aspect, I always enjoy your teams games! However, from what has been submitted I can tell I like the vibe of the setting. The art was cute and the animations and movement suited the sprites. The music was atmospheric and charming too. 

Please let us know if you work on this further! I'd love to see it :)

Really really enjoyed this game. The game play is great and it's such an interesting take on the theme. The humour is really great too. 

Honestly I spent a long time playing this and have come back to it several times!

oh the visuals are so charming!! Big fan of the gnomes for sure.

Again, like some others I had a little bit of a learning curve of what I had to do in places, and it got a little chaotic but I had fun playing it! Would love to play further if you updated it too :)

Thanks for jamming again!!

Really solid game - especially for a first time game and first time game jam! Well done guys. Props to your artist too, super cute visuals.

I agree that the game can be punishing, but entirely get that that's the idea you were going for. :) 

I don't know if it was just me - but the tutorial/readable at the start seemed to leave the screen kind of quickly without me clicking anything. If it is indeed timed (and not me realising I HAD pressed something!) It would be good to have a click to start motion, for those who are slower at reading or may get distracted between lauch and play. 

I can see in comments you mentioned it being a tetris with food type idea, so bringing back the visuals and readables indicating this would really help players!

A little bit of scaleable difficulty would be great too. Just to allow players to ease in and get to grips with the mechanics before those pesky birds ramp up their attack! A handy tip is to get people who know nothing of your game or how to play to play test - really helps you learn balancing, as sometimes as devs you can be really good at your own game through practise and automatically knowing what you should do!

Overall, really enjoyable game and a great base to jump off of when you say you want to continue working on it!
Thanks for jamming with us guys, and congrats on the first game jam!

Cute little platformer! I like the tomato guy and his mechanics! :) I'm not the best at platform games, but this was fun to play.

Thanks for jamming with us!

Fun game! Really satisfying audio feedback, and quite forgiving with the little bugs getting to the big plants which was nice. I liked the ability to scroll in and out for zooming. :)

Always love a tower defence game too, so much replayability!!

Thanks for jamming with us again :)

Really enjoyed playing this with Theo! We sometimes play an "analouge" version of this on planes/trains so it was great. 

If you worked on this further, I'd love to see the addition of unlockable backgrounds, increased grid sizes or maybe even pickups!

Thanks for jamming with us :)

A fun take on the theme for sure! A nice change to all the gardens, meadows and seeds. And - a different genre of game entirely, though I suppose music based is expected of the great Agent Jo!

Really enjoyed playing the game, graphics were cute, music was lovely and it really had a great feel to it!

One thing I would like to see would be the option to turn down the in game music a little just to hear the clicker a bit better, as I found testing it on different speakers/headphones affected how audible the clicker was to my ear.

Thanks got jamming with us Jo! Great game :)

Thank you for your thorough feedback! Really appreciate it and it shows you had a good play of the game. 

Just to let you know the difference between the carrot and the cactus... the carrot is a mele attack of "karate chopping" whereas the Cactus is ranged and throws his spikes as projectiles :) I definitely like the idea of adding somewhere that you can read up on the characters - however, as is always the case in game jams... time ran out!! :)

Had so much fun playing this! Really enjoyed it.

I liked the night time flowers, the different types of chicken and the overall pacing of the game. :) Really solid entry!

Thanks for jamming with us again! x

Well done on submitting a game! I like the gentle music and it certainly fits the theme of plants and spring.

If you were to work on this game more, I would suggest:

Adding more items to the shop - I quickly got more money than I could spend!

Add more events

Add an instructions page on the main menu and a little story about the game :)

Thanks for jamming with us!

Cute game! I like the wizards choice of weapon and the random rooms. Could use some audio and maybe a pop up saying which controls to use! Thanks for jamming with us :)

Oh no! It seems you have a game breaking bug :( I also got the ending straight on launch.

thank you for playing the game!! 

Yep - you might have played when we had a bug with the audio where it would play a sound for every frame 😅 it’s fixed though now! 

Fixed it - didn't want to damage anyones hearing/speakers!

Don't forget to join the discord to suggest a theme and vote on ideas!

Ideas will be closed shortly and the poll on the top ideas will be made ready for the theme reveal at the start of the jam :)


Hello! If you've not found a team yet - please feel free to post/repost in the discord! -

- Chloe :) 

Hello! If you've not found a team yet - please feel free to post/repost in the discord! -

- Chloe :)

Insane for a 1 hour speed run! Really appreciate you joinng the jam despite other commitments.  Obviously there could be some polish... but I'm far too impressed by how you made a complete game in 1 hour to notice!

Thanks for jamming with us & being part of our community - and see you for Spring Jam!

Another great submission by you, Nomron! Very cute art style, and fun to play. Amazing work for a solo-jammer!

Thanks for joining us again :) 

As usual - super cute artwork!! I'm very impressed with how polished and well rounded of a game you made in a 1 person team!

Thanks for jamming with us :)

As per usual - fantastic game and audio Jo!! You're a game jam superstar.  Really enjoyed your take on the theme!

Love love love this game. I think it might be my favourite take on the theme and I've gone back to play it a few times!! 

If I had to give some constructive criticism - if you worked on this game further after the jam, I'd like to see more background/level visuals as the greyness can feel a little *samey* - but that's me nitpicking for something to say!

Really really loved it. Thanks for jamming with us :)

Yes! You can reupload it after the jam ends for sure. But join our discord server (you can find it on the overview page of the jam!) and people may be able to help you fix :)

This game is great! I really like the puzzle style take on the theme - it's really unique in this jam! The music really adds to the atmosphere in the game for sure. Whereas some people have mentioned they disliked the inconsistency of eggs.. I quite liked it. Eggs are inconsistent in size and weight by nature so I think it adds some realism to their physics! 

Well done everyone, and thanks for joining our jam :)

Yes I really love the music! Our composer Jamesy did such a good job on that. :) 

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :)

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :) It's only my second time making animations so thank you for liking them!! 

Yes we could definitely make changes to make the game harder for sure!! 

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :)

Haha yes our composer did an absolutely STELLAR job of this right? also.. get it? stellar? I'll see myself out.

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :)

Hahaha - no you just found the second  super secret way to play the game ;) 

Thank you for your lovely comments, and for noticing our little guys beak poking out!

What a lovely well researched comment! I absolutely didn't know about the story, but now I'm super glad that I made the rocket balloon - Theo wasn't too sure on the idea but I did it anyway so you make me feel sooo happy that I did!

That's some great ideas for some more levels, and if we work on it we will definitely include some of your suggestions for being so kind as to take the time to suggest things!

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :)

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :)

Thank you for your lovely comments!

You're definitely right, we could make this harder for sure! It's always hard to judge if the game is easy or if you're just well practised with testing it so much

Thanks for playing :)

I like that one too!

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :)

I'm glad you enjoyed our random and weird take on the game!! Chickens and aliens go hand in hand right??

Haha, thank you so much! It is a beak poking out yes - I didn't think people would notice with it being relatively small!

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :)

Thank you for taking the time to play, rate and comment :) I love the different style of play there hahaha.