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whopps whopperino

A member registered Feb 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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It really does mean a lot to hear people have a positive experience with the game. Thank you for the kind words.

Thank you for the comment, I was very scared of the balancing, glad to hear otherwise. And also great suggestion, I will keep this in mind moving forward. 

 I definitely took inspiration from other sources. Such as DarkestDungeon for navigating tiles and getting surprised by enemies, I tried to do some procedural generation with terrain but it wasn't implemented that well. There was also this "duel" mechanic in the stand-alone GWENT card game that was the basis for combat.

And just general hexagonal board games and DnD maps, utilizing cards as resources.

I'm a big fan of the atmosphere created. I almost kinda wanted it to be zoomed out a bit so I could enjoy the lights in the background as I was catching the fireflies. Appreciate the responsive controls as well. I think a clearer indication of when your light ran out would've nice. 

This was an interesting take on the theme, nice work!

Wow I honestly feel honored that you made it to the end. I hope the journey wasn't too tedious, my balancing was all over the place ( ie the map size at the end might've been to big). Always glad to hear some aspects of a game resonating with someone.

I think i def found a new passion for card games and hexagons so there will be for sure, more to come. Whether that be expanding on this game or something new. Thanks for follow and the motivational comment.

Ah yeah sorry for that, I think i def tried to do to much at once. Appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing.

One of my favorites from this jam. Maybe I'm just a sucker for card games but trying to perfectly get enemies' power to zero was an interesting take on the theme. You did a great job!

You built such a nice atmosphere. Being able to combine cards was also an interesting concept. Overall a very clean and eye-pleasing game. Nice work!

Pairing poker hands with the development of a kingdom is very interesting. Adds some nice complexity to which hands should actually be played. I also really like the effect of resources popping out of the card, would be cool to see see them integrated into the background or something. Hope you continue work on it.

A big fan of this take on the theme. I think you have an interesting resource management game in works. Reminds me a little bit of 60 seconds. I do wish the UI was a bit more intuitive tho, also wasn't sure what kept killing me. Anyhow good job.

Really liked the background music. Coupling our actions to the mouse was interesting. I do wish the movement on the pad was a bit smoother, kept feeling like I was getting stuck when changing directions. Felt like I was getting better near the end levels, maybe we were the mice all along. Anyways, good work!

I got jumpscared by the first door I opened lol. I think you implemented the sounds very well. The eerie ambient background and action sounds. I also like pairing the mouse movement with the flashlight. I did wish there was a way to move faster but all in all, very nice job!

To be honest I procrastinated a bit and was rushing to find something to just slap on as the thumbnail lol. Thanks for playing and the comment.

That was a blast! Your sprite animations and UI were clean. Very retro nostalgic. Maybe adding a time limit on how long you could hold the power would be interesting. I found myself just charging up and running around. Anyways, you did a very nice job.

Thanks for playing and the comment!

I'm a big fan of the art style, it was very pleasing to eyes. The dialogue narrative also felt smooth (?). Agree with others that maybe some incentive to choosing correctly would've been nice. Good work nonetheless.

Funny enough as I was playtesting near the end of the jam, I ran into that exact problem. But I was too scared to make changes in case I broke the game lol. Anyways, thanks for playing and the comment.

An interesting take on the theme. I love the rhythm aspect, although my reaction was too slow ;( I also think the the visuals and sounds were very cohesive. Also appreciated the options to change keybindings and volume. Nice work

hey! appreciate the comment. I had plans on fixing some bugs but now I might go ahead and also plan some graphic and QoL changes. I will release a downloadable version as well. Thanks for the interest and motivation!

Great brain twister. The different animals really added a lot of variety and I like how some of them actually interacted with each other. The art was also great, had me smiling at the title screen. Only thing I'd wish for was maybe an undo or reset button. Other than that, this was def a fav entry. Congrats!!!

Appreciate the feedback, I'll def be putting tutorials higher up on my todo lists. Thanks for playing!

Oh I agree, my tutorial and explanations were for sure lacking. Ran out of time for this one but will take this comment to heart for the future. Appreciate you playing :).

Thank you for this comment. If I'm being honest, the roshambo aspect was definitely hacked on at the end to provide another way for the parasite to move. I should've given more thought into the difficulty scaling. I did design the cards and who knows maybe in the future ;). Thanks for playing and the encouragement.

I loved this take on the theme, super unique. The models and shading were very appealing. Also really appreciated the UI allowing me to see light-bulbs even though I was kind of rotated away from it. Tho, since I was constantly moving and trying to keep track of cooldowns, the level-up was kinda an afterthought. Nevertheless, I think this was a great submission and perhaps some nice commentary on humans.

Thank you for the encouraging comment and for playing!

You did such a great job, def one of my favorites from the jam. Gave me Pokemon boulder pushes flashbacks. Also really liked the cute narrative from the dialogues. Congrats!!

Oh gosh, honored to have you play that long.

Great take on the theme. I think you implemented the chosen wildcards very well. Can see a lot of potential for added complexity, nice work.

Ah kudos for getting that far. Hope you didn't encounter any bugs. Thanks for playing.

Audibly gasped when the shapes started moving. The last level was definitely a brain twister for me. Having all objects move at once did get a bit overwhelming in terms of keeping track and planning. Nevertheless, good work!

Great nostalgic trip. Especially like the music, def was jamming out.

Ah, this brings back memories. Loved Plants v Zombies. I really liked all the different parasites with their effects. I did softlock myself a few times by spending everything then having nothing left for energy generation. Nevertheless, good entry!

Thank you for the kind comment. Will definitely attempt more GWJ in the future.

This was a great and polished experience. The addition of different characters offered a nice complexity in terms of patience and planning. Really enjoyed the music as well. Great work!

That was amazing! I was feeling the vibes with the art and the music. I even liked how you handled the transition to the second stage with the rock fishes. Everything was so polished and flowed well. Great experience overall, congrats!

Great sounds, great art. I appreciate that the cow didn't fall too fast, made running after it pretty fun. Definitely a favorite.

This was such a nice take on the theme. First time I've been complimented on my fitted bed sheet abilities.

Thanks for playing!

The game was such a vibe, especially with the music. I do wish there was a way to upgrade or something, I found it pretty hard to catch higher tier fish.

Very polished, great art. Really liked it when the screen started rotating. The physics made it feel like actual space, especially flying off into the void with nothing to hold on to. Congrats