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Vizabee Games

A member registered Mar 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hello Olympians!

We are happy to announce the release of Astraea. Astraea is an intense action roguelike experience where you bolt, trap, and bash through hordes of enemies to protect a little girl. It is fully voiced by a cast of voice actors and actresses who tell a beautiful story that you will need to experience for yourself.

Here are both trailers. You can also watch gameplay on our YouTube channel, but it is not spoiler-free.

Teaser Trailer

Full Trailer

Vizabee Games


I remember watching a documentary about the late Icelandic composer Johan Johnson. The one line that stuck with me was his music could "peel away at the heart of those who don't know how to feel or are afraid to." I can the same about songs like Wayfarers path from Cursed Kingdoms or others from Twisted Forest, They can breakthrough anyone's heart no matter how hardened it has become from life.

You are most welcome for the kind words and they are meant.  The other store i have been trying to publish this on has been a confusing nightmare for me. Itch has been very easy and straightforward. I did check the date and you are correct. I started this on the fourteenth and worked late into the night (my creator page shows two days ago).  I may have published this on the fifteenth. It was not intentional and hope you can forgive me. Thanks again. I did check and it is indexed.

Also, unrelated. I wish I discovered sooner. The community is great and absolutely love how easy it is to distribute your games.

Hello, very new to and published my first game. It has been a few days. I have a cover image and a download attached, but I'm not being indexed. I reached out to support, but have not heard back yet. I had two questions.

1. How long is the review process for a creator's first game. I read that it may take longer and hope someone has some insight to this.

2. What am I possibly overlooking that would prevent me from getting indexed.

Here is the URL:

Thanks in advance.

(4 edits)

Hello everyone, we just released our first game that blends elements from Breakout, pinball, and a space shooter to provide a unique, fast-paced, and challenging arcade experience.  Instead of bricks, you will be shooting down or bouncing your ball into asteroids and enemy ships, while avoiding hazards like thick nebulas, blackholes, comets, and the dreaded Seekers that will be targeting your ship. I hope you enjoy the game.

More Information

Good Luck!