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A member registered Apr 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the very nice comments and for giving it the time. The background music is an electronica version of Bach's Toccata Fuge in D-minor (also used in the original arcade game Gyruss, but in a rock version).

The boss stages were supposed to be harder and more varied but I ran out of time unfortunately.

Maybe after the Jam

Really nice looking and great atmosphere.. A bit on the hard side for my taste, but very good effort!

Really nice mechanics, although a bit frustrating att tiomes, at least for clumsy me. Nice gfx and the sausagge animation is outstanding! Nice work!

What an awesome ggame! Really good take on the bullet hell mechanics and a really nice use of the consequence twist. Smooth controls and straight forward gameplay with lovely music. Awesome!

I really like the gfx and the music and the bullet patterns are mesmerizing (as they should be) combined with the background grid. While the controls where good (would have prefered a keyboard key instead of mixing in the mouse button), I was always a bit frustrated that I could not fire when the ship was in the lower part of the screen. But that's a minor - great work!

Thank You so much for the comments and for taking the time to play the game including trying to get hang of the odd controls! :D The music is also a homage to the music used in the original game (which is a rock version of Bach's Toccata Fuge in D-minor, I went the electronica-route instead), and I can agree that it is not as "spacey" as the game might call for.

Really nice idea, and it looks really nice. A bit too slow movement of the ship for my taste and I feel it made it hard to play. But the idea and concept is really great!

Really awesome in all aspects; gameplay, theme, gfx and music all work together. Great work!

Reall nice gfx and presentation. Also a nice take on the bullet hell concept. I got a little confused by the location of the frog, felt like I would have wanted it more inthe middle for a better field of view, ut that's just a minor thing. Good work!

Fun take on the concept, and the betting part really makes a nice addition. The gameplay is nice but the gfx is somewhat missing compared to the rest of the gfx. All in all a really nice submission!

Really nice idea and I like the concept. And water bending is always cool!

(2 edits)

Thanks for some lovely comments, and for playing my game. It is a bit of fickery with the keys to get hang of the controls, but it shouldn't be to easy.

Must be one of the coolest entries in the jam, well done! Not that I got particularly good at it, but loved the bouncy feel and the speed of things. To be honest, I rarely caugght anything, and avoiding the star fishes was more bu co-incidence. But I till liked it! Well done!

Thanks for the nice words and for the comments. The controllers are working as they are supposed to (just as the original Gyruss arcade game works), but it seems like a lot of people find them too awkward. Personally I love them :)

(1 edit)

Lovely art style and nice concept with consequences. Took some fiddeling around with the controls (that's on me though) for me, but eventually I got hang of it I think. Good job!

This was a really nice take on the theme and bullet hell concept. Great music as well, goes nicely with the theme and graphics. Great job!

I played it on my cell phone, so opinions are from that. The idea is nice and the gfx is easy on the eyes. I found that by placing the ship at a specific place I took out all enemies with ease, so a bit more randomness would not hurt. Love that it is playable on my cell!

Thanks for playing and for the nice comments. The controls are un-ortodox but mimics the controls of the arcade game Gyruss which works the same way (albeit using a joystick that makes it essier). I should have added an option to have more ortodox controls. 

Thanks for the comment, and for playing,  but at least for me the controls are working as they are supposed to. They mimic the contols in the 1983 arcade game. It is easier with a joystick, but it works like this:

A always move the fighter to the 9 o'clock position

D always move the fighter to the 3 o'clock position

W moves the fighter to 12 o'clock

D moves the fighter to 6 o'clock

Similarly A+W moves to 10.30, W+D to 1.30, D+S to 4.30 and S+A to 7.30.

So to move the ship around the clock (clockwise) you need to press A-W-D-S in order and time the switch to get it smooth.

I admit it is a bit un-ortodox but that's how it is supposed to work. In hindsight I should have added an option to have more ortodox controls.

Thanks for the comments and for your insight. The controls are really made for an old style 8-direction joystick, and works much smoother with one. That said, I think it is pretty easy to learn using the keys and also (in this case) part of the challenge for me to re-create the classic controls. In hindsight I should have added an option to have alternative controls.

Exactly, so it is only a minor thing IMHO.

Thanks for the comments and for playing.  As for the controls, they are made that way on purpose to be like the arcade game Gyruss which is the base for my game. And I like them 😀

Classic shoot 'em up, with nice gfx and sound. The controls may have been a bit swifter but that is a minor thing. Good work!

A very interesting conced and game. Still have to play a bit more to get the hang of it I think, but I like it s far :)

This is really brilliant game on the bullet hell theme, the game play, the controls and the overall feeling is top notch! Only complaint is (as noted by one other) that some patterns sees to be un-beatable. I think that is actually just a minor thing. Top notch!

I like the art style and the controls are really nice. The game play is fun and works with the bullethell mechanics. Noticed that th bullets disappear when the enemy that shot them is shot. Some varied attack patterns and maybe a couple of more enemy types would ahve been awesome. But all in all a really nice little game!

Thanks for playing and for the comments. The controls are intentional to mimic the controls of the arcade game Gyruss that I based my game on.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and for the comments. The controls are intentionally done the way they are to mimic those in Gyruss which is the game I based my entry on and makes (IMHO) for a more intricate game play. And I like them :)

The music oozes of 80s arcade game, I love that! Gfx is simple but fills it's purpose. Noticed that enemies thar are exploding still can fire bullets. A nice, classic shooter with some un-expected enemies sneaking up from behind.

This is right up my alley, all the right stuff from he 80s - music, sfx, gfx and - most important - the ganmeplay. Three thumbs up!!!

Awesome gfx and sound (the voice is splendid). This kind of controls aren't really my cup of tea but it works with the game mechanics. Well done!

After a rocky start I found my way, really nice take on the bullet hell concept. The backgrounds and bosses are lovely to watch. Great work!

Thanks for the comments and for playing. I will figure something out, I am totally Mac un-friendly so .. But I'll keep it in mind for the future.

The look of this is absolutely stunnin gIMHO, very visually pleasing while still having the gist of the original cover in there.My computer struggle a bit with the ggame though, so I'll give it another go on better HW. :)

Nice take on the cover and original game. I liked the game mechanics in all it's simplicity. Time is running out fast though but it also really makes me want to go "just ONE more time..." repeatedly.

I love the art style, both the maze and the robots are really cool and suits the theme of the cover IMHO. While the movement is a bit on the slow side, I thought it added athmospehere to the game, and made it a bit psyhadelic. The robots felt a bit easy on the first levels, but got harder - or I was just lucky/unlucky? 

Lovely soundtrack and a really nice touch with the robot voices and death scream. The rotating walls was a great idea that could (should) be elaborated on - could make for some really intricate ggameplay. The robots are merciless when they get track of You but hey - they are robots and not Storm Troopers!

Really like the idea of using a PCB board style - nice tie in to the retro game!

I just moved the deadline for submissions to the Jam two days to give everyone another weekend to create Your game. 

Thanks for playing and thanks for the nice comments. Yes the levels are randomly generated with "some" constraints (size and basic layout, and where things can be spawned).