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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yep. So it goes!

Any chance I could get an extension? My program crashed at one point and wiped almost everything I had written, it really set me behind. If not, that's totally fine & I understand :)

Looks tasty :)

Delicious! :)

Love it!

VEry nice

This is a great set of animations! :)


These look very cool!

Very useful, thanks!

Nevermind, figured it out LOL Thanks for posting this!

Quick question - when I'm in the Event Editor, the top only shows the active objects. How do I get it to show the storyboard controls, special conditions, sound and all that again?

This is a top tier dungeon!

These are boss!

What an interesting choice of critters!

Very cute!

They read really well for being so tiny. Good job!

I like the rusty color palette.

All the variations of the ice are really cool looking :)

Looks really good!!

Thanks! I was thinking sprinkles but I ran out of time, slivered almonds and orange wedges are great suggestions :)

The bush monster is very creative :)

I guess because I'm old like dinosaurs ;)

XD I'm a dum dum, then I guess 

I really like this - it's cute and unusual!

Thank you! I think I have it fixed, I'll upload a new version after the fishfest ends :)

thank you! I'm trying to get that ironed out.

I'm still trying to figure that freezing problem out, I'll keep at it.

Very cute!

I really like the color palette you used.

Cool design!

That's a really clever concept! Super hard, too.

This was cute and fun :)


Oh wow these are cute!!

Love the variety of critters :)

You always have such lovely and creative color pallettes.