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A member registered Apr 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you For Responding! I completely understand! 

I have assembled a team of people, who haven't ever done this before, and we are all going to try to submit here, as a fun little project. One person though, has a trip to a different country, and won't have the chance to help us. As we want to include everyone, is it ok if we start and finish on the weekend of May 11th-12th and finish that day? This is a big deal to us, and we know that its early so we don't expect a yes. Thank you for your time!

I'ma put this into a rhythm game. That would be fun

Are these materials? I am currently very new to art, so I looking for sone materials to use in blender.

Hi! I'm a level designer that is currently looking for a team! I currently need a programmer and  an artist (I suck at art). I'm looking into trying to make an FPS. You can join my (currently nonexistant) team!

I have a little knowledge on development

I would love to join as well, can I?

That's awesome man. I don't know if I can team this year, but good luck!

What type of game are you looking for? Metroidvanias, Turn-Based, etc.

Hi Anzeex! What kind of game are you looking to make? (turn-based, JSaB style, metriodvania, etc.)