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A member registered Oct 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you :) if you like the style you should check out AdamCYounis on Youtube. He's an amazing artist!

Hi, I'm an artist specialising in pixel art backgrounds and animations. You can find a portfolio at: OR you can contact me on Discord: trashboat0680

I love that even the rocks were attacking me haha

Enjoyable game, nice and simple. Got caught on the walls a bit and I'm not sure if it was just me but I couldn't hear any sound. Very nice artwork

Very nice game! Love the art and aesthetic. The movement and combat was a little awkward until I switched to controller and then it felt natural and smooth. The final boss battle was TOUGH but very engaging. I love the addition of a second attack stage for the boss

Hi, I specialise in pixel art but can also do vector art. I have experience coding in Game Maker and Unity

Hey, I'm a pixel artist. If you'd like to see my work add me on discord: trashboat0680

Hi all, thought I'd get in early and start looking for a team. I'm a pixel artist and a (very) amateur programmer (Unity). I have been playing games since I was a kid in the 90s and love all the classics. I'm currently working on a personal project in Unity and would love to learn some new skills in game development. If you're interested in working with me you can reach me on Discord at trashboat0680

It's not working for me either. Are you still looking to collab? My Discord is trashboat0680

Hey, I'm in the same boat. Are you still looking to collab?

Btw, my name is trashboat0680 on Discord if you wanna DM me there

Hey, I can do pixel art if you're still looking? I'm also an amateur programmer in Unity, just really hoping to improve my skills and form a portfolio.